Bibliography empire of things dec 2015

Empire of Things How We Became a World of Consumers Fifteenth Century to the Twenty-First Frank Trentmann -- London Allen Lane New York HarperCollins Bibliography General overviews critical introductions readers and handbooks History of consumption th century to th century Empires imperialism and colonial culture Cities and countryside esp - s The home domestic comfort and convenience - s First World War to the end of the Cold War Asia ?? esp Japan Korea India and China Global developments and diversity Excess credit debt thrift and saving happiness Time Age and generations States and ?rms ?? public consumption social spending company leisure and consumer policy Home and away ethics fair trade localism and remittances Religion Waste recycling storage collecting second hand and material ows C General overviews critical introductions readers and handbooks Appadurai Arjun ed The Social Life of Things Commodities in Cultural Perspective Cambridge Cambridge University Press Baudrillard Jean Société de Consommation English - The Consumer Society Myths and Structures London Sage Braudel Fernand The Structures of Everyday Life New York Brewer John and Roy Porter eds Consumption and the World of Goods London and New York Routledge Brewer John and Frank Trentmann eds Consuming Cultures Global Perspectives Oxford Berg Capuzzo Paolo Culture del consumo Bologna Il Mulino Chessel Marie- Emmanuelle Histoire de la consommation Paris Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly and Eugene Rochberg-Halton The Meaning of Things Domestic Symbols and the Self Cambridge Cambridge University Press Deaton Angus Understanding Consumption Oxford Clarendon Press de Grazia Victoria and Ellen Furlough eds The Sex of Things Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective Berkeley CA University of California Press Douglas Mary and Baron Isherwood The world of goods towards an anthropology of consumption London Allen Lane Fine Ben The World of Consumption The Material and Cultural Revisited London Routledge Galbraith John Kenneth The A uent Society New York The New American Library Gronow Jukka and Alan Warde eds Ordinary Consumption London Routledge Haupt Heinz-Gerhard Konsum und Handel Europa im und Jahrhundert G? ttingen Vandenhoeck Ruprecht Lee Martyn J The Consumer Society Reader Malden MA Blackwell Lury Celia Consumer culture nd ed ed Cambridge Polity Miller Daniel ed Acknowledging Consumption A Review of New Studies London Routledge ?? ?? ?? ed Consumption Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences vols New York Princen Thomas Michael Maniates and Ken Conca eds Confronting Consumption Cambridge MA MIT Press Prinz Michael ed Der lange Weg in den Über uss Anf? nge und Entwicklung der Konsumgesellschaft seit der Vormoderne Paderborn Ferdinand Schoningh Reisch Lucia and John Th? gersen eds Handbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption Cheltenham Sassatelli Roberta Consumo Cultura e Società Bologna Universale Paperbacks Il Mulino Schor Juliet B and Douglas B Holt eds The Consumer Society Reader New York The New Press Schrage Dominik Die Verfügbarkeit der Dinge eine historische Soziologie des Konsums Frankfurt a M Shove E Comfort Cleanliness and Convenience The Social Organisation of Normality Oxford Berg C Southerton D ed Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture Thousand Oaks CA Tilley Christopher Webb Keane Susanne Küchler Michael Rowlands

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