Declaration de consensus international

Déclaration de consensus international de la Fédération mondiale du Trouble Dé ?cit d ? Attention Hyperactivité Ui Ui TDAH Conclusions fondées sur des preuves à propos du trouble Titre court Déclaration de consensus international de la Fédération mondiale du TDAH Stephen V Faraone PhDa b c sfaraone childpsychresearch org Tobias Banaschewski MD PhDd e f David Coghill MDg Yi Zheng MDh I j k l m Joseph Biederman MDn o Mark A Bellgrove PhD p q Je ?rey H Newcorn MD r c Martin Gignac FRCPC s t u Nouf M Al Saud v Iris Manor MD w x Luis Augusto Rohde MD PhD y Li Yang MD PhDz A l Samuele Cortese MD PhDB C D E F Doron Almagor MD FRCPCG H Mark A Stein PhDI G Turki H Albatti MDK Haya F Aljoudi Psy DL M Mohammed M J Alqahtani PhDN O Philip Asherson MRCPsych PDP Lukoye Atwoli MD PhDQ R S T Sven B? lte PhDU V W Jan K Buitelaar MD PhD X Cleo L Crunelle MD PhDY Z David Daley PhDaa ab S? ren Dalsgaard MD PhDac ad Manfred D? epfner PhDae af Stacey Espinet PhDag Michael Fitzgerald MDah Barbara Franke PhDai aj Jan Haavik MD PhDak al Catharina A Hartman PhDam an ao ap Cynthia M Hartung PhDaq Stephen P Hinshaw PhDar as at au av Pieter J Hoekstra MD PhDaw Chris Hollis PhD FRCPsychE ax ay az Scott H Kollins PhDba bb J J Sandra Kooij MD PhDbc bd be bf Jonna Kuntsi PhDbg Henrik Larsson PhDbh bi Tingyu Li MDbj bk bl Jing Liu MDz A l bm bn Eugene Merzon MDbo bp bq br Gregory Mattingly MDbs Paulo Mattos MD PhDbt bu bv Suzanne McCarthy PhDbw Amori Yee Mikami PhDbx Brooke S G Molina PhDby Joel T Nigg PhDbz Diane Purper-Ouakil MD PhDca cb Olayinka O Omigbodun MBBS MPH FMCPsychcc cd Guilherme V Polanczyk MD PhDce Yehuda Pollak PhDcf cg Alison S Poulton MDch ci Ravi Philip Rajkumar MDcj Andrew Reding Andreas Reif MDcl cm Katya Rubia PhDcn b co Julia Rucklidge PhDcp Marcel Romanos PhDcq cr cs J Antoni Ramos-Quiroga MD PhDct cu cv cw cx cy cz Arnt Schellekens MD PhDda db Anouk Scheres PhDdc Renata Schoeman MD MBA PhDdd de df dg dh di Julie B Schweitzer PhDdj Henal Shah MDdk Mary V Solanto Ph D di dm dn do Edmund Sonuga-Barke PhDdp dq César Soutullo MD PhDdr co c Hans- Christoph Steinhausen MD MSc PhD DMScds dt du dv James M Swanson PhDdw Anita Thapar FRCPsych PhDdx Gail Tripp PhDdy Geurt van de Glind PhDdz Wim van den Brink MD PhDea Saskia Van der Oord PhDeb ec Andre Venter PhDed Benedetto Vitiello MDee ef Susanne Walitza MD MSceg Yufeng Wang MD PhDz A l aDepartments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience and Physiology Psychiatry Research Division SUNY Upstate Medical University Syracuse NY USA bWorld Federation of ADHD cAmerican Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders APSARD dDepartment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Central Institute of Mental

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