Durston guide 2008 Instructions for Usage Maintenance Safety Including ideas of some techniques of jewellery manufacturing DURSTON ROLLING MILLS C ? thank you for choosing your Durston Rolling Mill which will give you many years of trouble free and high p

Instructions for Usage Maintenance Safety Including ideas of some techniques of jewellery manufacturing DURSTON ROLLING MILLS C ? thank you for choosing your Durston Rolling Mill which will give you many years of trouble free and high performance use Please ensure that you read the instructions below and also page ? Rolling Mill Safety Care and Tips ? before unpacking and using your new mill INSTRUCTIONS MAINTENANCE FOR HAND OPERATED ROLLING MILLS Unpacking and preparing your new mill for use Lifting Please unpack rolling mill very carefully For all mills have at least two people lifting and moving mill onto its ?nal place Never lift from hand wheel Always lift from the base of the mill or for the D and D lie these down and lift from both ends The approximate weights of the machines are as follows Micro Mill ?? kgs Mini Mill ?? kgs DRM ?? kgs DRM DRM ?? kgs D ?? kgs and D ?? kgs Securing Bolt machine securely to a Durston stand or a strong secure bench Ensure that the stand or bench is bolted down to the oor Fitting turning lever You now need to ?t the lever Slide the lever on as shown in picture you may need to tap it and do up the mm grub screw with the alan key provided Do not over tighten you may damage the shaft Check that this screw is tight every months Removing rust preventative You will now need to remove the rust preventative on the rolls Close the rolls and then open the rolls up turn of the hand wheel D Apply some white spirit ordinary household paint solvent onto a clean cloth sparingly and hold the cloth into the gap of the rolls and roll backwards Do not use any stronger liquid than white spirit lacquer thinners It will take a little longer on the grooves as you have to do one at a time All Durston Rolling Mills have ? Calibrated dials ?tted to the top and are marked in ? and mm increments giving the roll gap These dials are useful for repetition work and will assist in providing a constant product size ? Extension rollers with ?? ? half rounds and mm Other sizes can be ordered ? Guards black covers covering all gears ? Reduction gearbox not Mini or Economy models making turning easier MAINTENANCE MICRO MILL MINI MILL and MINI MILL D ? The bearings are self-lubricating and need no maintenance ? The drive gears at left hand end behind guard A should be greased every months Remove the circlips and extension rollers and then the two screws for the cover for access to the gears Use standard gear grease A ? Oil the end faces of the rolls daily F See enlarged view of rolls below DRM DRM and DRM F D ? The bearings are self-lubricating and need no maintenance ? The drive gears at left hand end behind guard A should be greased

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