Faust s magick AN ADDITION TO THE FAUST LITERATURE AN UNKNOWN 'HARROWING OF HELL' IN THE BRITISH LIBRARY LONDON DR HANS HENNING Translated by D L PAISEY T H E spread of material on the subject of Faust began in the sixteenth century with the existence of
AN ADDITION TO THE FAUST LITERATURE AN UNKNOWN 'HARROWING OF HELL' IN THE BRITISH LIBRARY LONDON DR HANS HENNING Translated by D L PAISEY T H E spread of material on the subject of Faust began in the sixteenth century with the existence of Faust as an historical ?gure and with the appearance of a 'Faust-trilogy' Faust-Buch of Wagner-Buch of Fausts Gaukeltasche of The subject entered English literature with an English version of the Faust-book - and with Christopher Marlowe's dramatization The Faust tradition of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries brought new versions of the Faust-book and further dramatic treatment in Dutch German and French as well as adaptations into farces pantomimes and ballets by William Mountford John Rich Thomas Merrivale and John Thurmond and The seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Faust tradition was also characterized by the continuing attention paid by scholars and theologians to the historical Faust and included songs which probably developed from the Faust-plays and the magic books These circulated under Faust's name in manuscript or printed form the usual titles being Dreifacher Hollenzwang Praxis magica or Mtracul- Kunst- und Wunderbuch though in some cases the connection with the Faust literature is not immediately apparent with titles such as Schwarzer Rabe Geisterkommando or Liber sptrituum All of these are rare texts whether manuscript or printed In part I of my FaustBibliographie Berlin and Weimar manuscripts are listed of which have no known location while of the printed Hdlienzmang-tcxis which appeared up to could not be located or have disappeared ' Hollenzwang is usually translated as 'Harrowing of HelF though the Hteral equivalent is Coercing of Hell It is therefore all the more welcome that a new unknown printed 'Harrowing of Heir has been found in the collections of the British Library and can be studied CDFAUSTS ORIGINAL GEISTRR COMMANDO DER CHOLLRN UND AU EK ANDER GEISTER C ZWANG r l F USTUS EX KUNDLINCilA SOWOHL DIE liOSEN AI S OUTEN CSPIRITUS DES OANTZEN OEISTER RF ICHES O R I G I N A U - HOC OPUS MAnrcuM ROMAM AD ALLIXANDRUM VI A ifAHLRMANNO TRANSI MISSUM M D II-A yULIO It PtlNT MAX TM'IS PBIVATIS DATUM ANNO P O M I M Mi D X Vi FAMILIARIUM U AI r F N DIHNST UND GEHORSAM It is a combination of several of the known texts namely D Fausts Geistercommando Origmal-Hdllenzwang and Spiritus familiarium No other such version is known so that it is unique It is also a complete copy comprising seventeen unnumbered leaves i x cm Given the close inter-relationship or frequent identity of material in the manuscript and printed versions the present Hollenzwang may be assumed to be especially close to the lost printed Dr Fausts wahres und dchtes Original Magiae Albae ' Nigrae FaustBiblwgraphte I no and to D Faustus Original Dreyfacher Hollen-Zwang I no The connection with the former is suggested by the mention of Habermann on the page facing the title-page that with the latter by the occurrence on the same page of
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- Publié le Jan 13, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 50.6kB