Nwn2 ccc guide Neverwinter Nights Toolset Custom Content Creation Guide Creatures Placeables by Ivan Leben version CIntroduction Thank you for downloading this manual Keep in mind that this is far from being a complete and thorough guide but rather just a

Neverwinter Nights Toolset Custom Content Creation Guide Creatures Placeables by Ivan Leben version CIntroduction Thank you for downloading this manual Keep in mind that this is far from being a complete and thorough guide but rather just a collection of all the little details that I came across while sur ?ng dozens of NWN forums for hours At this point it is hard for me to tell where I got all the bits from because I have certainly read over about posts or pages ?ltering the misleading info and searching for the right clues Some of them are also purely the result of my own experimenting This means I am not able to give credit to all the people whose posts helped me individually but at least I will credit the creators of the muchimportant and useful tools that a custom content creator needs by linking to their download pages I would like to point out that custom content is still not completely supported by the developers of NWN and its toolset so many of this things are related to changing the original ?les of the game or by overriding them with your own versions The only thing supported so far is the actual technique of overriding the existing ?les That means you will still have to tweak those ?les manually and without any documentation provided from the developers of the software However as the NWN team stated in several interview the support for custom content is planned to be extended somewhere in the future Moreover this means that this document will probably not be much relevant anymore after the CCC tools get fairly integrated into the original NWN Toolset Anyway I will be only glad to see that day come when creating custom content will not require using a dozen of external tools and the community will be provided with an all-in-one tool to unleash their powerful immagination into great playable modules For now this document is just a re ection of the currrent state that the NWN community is in regarding custom content creation This guide doesn't teach you how to use modelling software like ds Max or Photoshop to create models and textures It just gives information on how to integrate that content into NWN engine Note that there are other techniques as well to create and convert your own models to MDB format instead of using ds Max These include the Descreet's free gmax software and NWMax suite for exporting to various formats from it or using the OBJ MDB converter These techniques will not be covered in this guide but I believe that much of the process would still remain the same even if you chose an alternative path Any feedback in terms of constructive criticism ideas about improvement of this guide or just a message that it was helpful to you will be greatly appreciated You can email me at ivan leben gmail com Page CCredits Bioware Forum Members ?? For invaluable clues that

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  • Publié le Mai 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 70.3kB