Librairie droz Amorum Libri Tres Nuova Raccolta di Classici Italiani annotati Torino Einaudi by Matteo Maria Boiardo Tiziano Zanato Review by Ingrid De Smet Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance T No pp - Published by Librairie Droz Stable URL http www

Amorum Libri Tres Nuova Raccolta di Classici Italiani annotati Torino Einaudi by Matteo Maria Boiardo Tiziano Zanato Review by Ingrid De Smet Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance T No pp - Published by Librairie Droz Stable URL http www jstor org stable Accessed Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use available at http www jstor org page info about policies terms jsp JSTOR is a not-for- pro ?t service that helps scholars researchers and students discover use and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship For more information about JSTOR please contact support jstor org Librairie Droz is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize preserve and extend access to Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance http www jstor org This content downloaded from on Wed Jun AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions C COMPTES RENDUS which is frequently suggestive and stimulating A valuable book in short But thepresentation could have been verymuch sharper Nottingham Alejandro COROLEU Matteo Maria BOIARDO Amorum Libri Tres a cura di Tiziano Zanato Nuova Raccolta di Classici Italiani annotati Torino Einaudi pp IX ISBN - - - LIT Inextricably linkedwith thed'Este dynasty ofQuattrocento Ferrara Boiardo's name conjures up visions of aman versed asmuch in thesavoir-faire of thecour tieras he is in letters both theClassical and vernacular Known as amediator in the transmission ofClassical mythology a key- ?gure in theupsurge of theApu leian style and an accomplished neo-Latin poet Boiardo is reputedly also one of the best lyricistsof the Italian ?fteenthcentury a reputation towhich the three books of love poetry presented here do indeed bear witness Their Latin titre so obvious an echo ofOvid but at the same time following Petrarchan practice conceals a wealth of Italian sonnets madrigals ballads and canzoni that record thepoet's love for and rejection by Antonia Caprara The love a ?air itself is supposed to have taken place from the spring of to the spring of and though thepoems were written between and they were only ?rstprinted posthumously in Within Boiardo's own ceuvre theymark the transition of his dealings with theClassics to his interests and ambitions in vernacular poetry which would famously culminate inhis Orlando Innamorato In this new edition of theAmores each of Boiardo's carefully ordered poems is accompanied by a general introduction identifyingthepoem's formal characteristics metre rhyme scheme etc as well as itsmain theme andmodels Detailed notes following the poem clarify di ?cult or unusual expressions as well as call attention to importantrhetorical ?gures The notes also point out the many allusions to theBible and to various authors fromClassical Antiquity to Boiardo's own day that is fromVergil Tibullus and Ovid over Provengal lyri cists such as Arnaut Daniel or Bernard de Ventadorn as in I via Dante Petrarch and Boccaccio to the neo-Latin poet Tito Vespasiano Strozzi and the petrarchist Giusto dei Gonti The notes also include cross-references to Boiardo's own poetry and

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