Lto guide LTO Guide http www margaritastation com newsletters Apr LTO htm Philippines Drivers Hand Book Roundabouts When approaching a roundabout aim in whichever direction you want to go and pray It is essential you jam your bumper into any tiny gap and
LTO Guide http www margaritastation com newsletters Apr LTO htm Philippines Drivers Hand Book Roundabouts When approaching a roundabout aim in whichever direction you want to go and pray It is essential you jam your bumper into any tiny gap and add as much additional confusion to the situation as possible while continually beeping the horn If God wants you to survive you will make it out the other side Overtaking Firstly ignore any oncoming tra ?c as it is your right to drive on the wrong side of the road once you have ashed your lights if they work Next swerve out quickly to ensure you surprise anyone arrogant enough to be trying to overtake you at the time If this method fails due to too much oncoming tra ?c simply revert to overtaking on curb side of PM CLTO Guide of http www margaritastation com newsletters Apr LTO htm Responsibility In these examples under normal conditions the blue car would most likely be responsible for the collision but there are special circumstances if the person driving the green car happens to be a foreigner then unquestionably the responsibility relies entirely on the green car If questioned as to how this could be possible simply reply If you were not in my country I would not have crashed into you Jeepney Pickups Jeepneys are required to stop for excessive amounts of time and right across intersections to pick up customers as to not only block following tra ?c but also any vehicles coming from side streets This is to maximize potential customers it is also important to remain ignorant to any sense of urgency from the people already onboard This will also give everyone the opportunity to marvel at your vehicles decorations Foreign Relations If you are in car B and a foreigner is driving car A this is the perfect opportunity to make some cash Once car A enters the intersection drive into it ensuring moderate damage to both vehicles Once the driving exits his vehicle begin yelling about how badly damaged it is and quote him a repair price many times what is required For the most pro ?t aim for the expensive vehicles to maximize the potential quote PM CLTO Guide of http www margaritastation com newsletters Apr LTO htm Road Crossings In this situation the driver of the blue car should slow but not stop to ensure the pedestrian has an extra incentive to move quickly and as for the driver of the green car he should accelerate to get past the pedestrian and not get stuck in the same situation the blue car is in First Come First Served Giving way is a sign of weakness so at every possible chance ensure you make it through the intersection with aggressive driving Additionally this will ensure you get to where you are going allowing for more time to be spent doing absolutely nothing Parking When parking we encourage creative thinking treat it like a puzzle
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- Publié le Jui 12, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 30.5kB