My advising guide UCF Stands For Opportunity - Undergraduate Catalog University of Central Florida Central Florida Boulevard Orlando FL http www ucf edu - - UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management Universal Boulevard Orlando FL http hospitality ucf ed

UCF Stands For Opportunity - Undergraduate Catalog University of Central Florida Central Florida Boulevard Orlando FL http www ucf edu - - UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management Universal Boulevard Orlando FL http hospitality ucf edu - - UCF Cocoa In partnership with Brevard Community College Clearlake Road Building Cocoa FL - - UCF Daytona Beach In partnership with Daytona State College W International Speedway Blvd Daytona Beach FL - - UCF Leesburg In partnership with Lake-Sumter Community College U S Highway Leesburg FL - - UCF REGIONAL CAMPUSES http regionalcampuses ucf edu UCF Ocala In partnership with College of Central Florida S W College Road Ocala FL - - Ext UCF Palm Bay In partnership with Brevard Community College Community College Parkway Building Palm Bay FL - - UCF Sanford Lake Mary In partnership with Seminole State College Weldon Boulevard Partnership Center Sanford FL - - UCF South Lake In partnership with Lake-Sumter Community College North Hancock Road Clermont FL - - UCF South Orlando Lake Ellenor Drive Orlando FL - - UCF Valencia Osceola In partnership with Valencia College Denn John Lane Building Suite Kissimmee FL - - UCF Valencia West In partnership with Valencia College South Kirkman Road Building Room Orlando FL - - Undergraduate Admissions University of Central Florida PO Box Orlando FL - http admissions ucf edu - - UNDERGRADUATE INFORMATION O ?ce of Student Financial Assistance University of Central Florida Central Florida Boulevard Millican Hall Room Orlando FL - http ?naid ucf edu - - Registrar ? s O ?ce University of Central Florida PO Box Orlando FL - http registrar ucf edu - - Housing and Residence Life University of Central Florida PO Box Orlando FL - http www housing ucf edu - - May Volume Number The current Undergraduate Catalog is published at http www catalog sdes ucf edu each May Compiled and edited by the University of Central Florida Registrar ? s O ?ce Division of Student Development and Enrollment Services Pre-press production supervision by Brian Pate Assistant Director Information and Publication Services University of Central Florida Registrar ? s O ?ce New Catalog policies and requirements take e ?ect with the Summer term ? and TM University of Central Florida This publication is copyrighted by the University of Central Florida and may not be reprinted or republished in whole or in part in any fashion or any media whatsoever without the prior written consent of a duly authorized University of Central Florida o ?cial CThe UCF Creed Integrity scholarship community creativity and excellence are the core values that guide our conduct performance and decisions These values comprise the guiding principles that direct the actions of the University its students and its employees Integrity I will practice and defend academic and personal honesty Scholarship I will cherish and honor learning as a fundamental purpose of my membership in the UCF community Community I will promote an open and supportive campus environment by respecting the rights and contributions of every individual Creativity

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