XML with FrameMaker + SGML Quick Guide Summary 1 XML with FrameMaker + SGML Qui
XML with FrameMaker + SGML Quick Guide Summary 1 XML with FrameMaker + SGML Quick Guide Daniel K. Schneider, TECFA, University of Geneva http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/xml/frame-sgml/ Version 1.1 - May 25, 2001, Version 0.5 was the first version written in FrameMaker. Version 0.6 and 0.7 have minor corrections. Version 0.8 adds simple read/write rules for special elements and some HTML mapping rules. Version 0.9 adds external HTML links. Version 1.0 makes several important corrections. Version 1.1 adds display of attributes. This thing is still a draft version (and maybe will remain one forever). Particular thanks go to Jan den Hartog ( objective i) who pointed out a lot of major trouble spots in 0.9. Thanks to Kevin Lossner (Easy Software AG), Marcus Carr (Allette Systems) , Ceryle Gaehl (Australian Medicines Handbook) for other helpful comments. Read the PDF or the FM version of this text. The other versions (*.html, *.xml, *.sxml) may lack style or worse.Note: A while ago I started writing my first real text with FM+SGMLand I wrote an EDD for Norman Walsh’s Simplified Docbook XML DTD. The EDD is in http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/xml/frame-sgml/sdocbook/. Also needs work (e.g. forget about deep nestings), but it’s a start. (deals somewhat with tables and figures and such). Summary This little document should help you to get started with FrameMaker + SGML (“F+S”) and XML publishing. F+S is a Word processor/DTD product from Adobe meant for SGML publishing, but it can be used in “XML world” with some restrictions. This text comes along with all source files (FrameMaker files and XML DTD) used to produce this document. Note: You need F+S version 6 to read the *.fm files. I believe that the general ideas also apply to F+S 5.5. Introduction Why would you want to buy, learn and use F+S? • You can produce real and large structured text (not just address cards) • You believe that semantically structured text is good (not just style sheets à la standard Frame or Word • You hate to write text with XML tree editors à la Spy or Xeena (I even much prefer emacs/psgml mode to these tools) • You want good looking paper versions (and don’t have time to write XSL/FO rules) • You can only think straight when you can easily reread your text on the screen. F+S is a good product combining the power of an excellent word processor (better than MS Word) with a good structure editor. Now the bad News:F+S does not support what I call the core XML Framework. F+S doesn’t read XSL/FO or even CSS. You have to learn FrameMaker’s EDD language plus a little bit of SGML. This will allow you to author in FrameMaker with your own DTDs and export to XML and CSS (that’s it, no XSL/FO or XSLT!). Once you suffered though the process of learning and setting up an EDD you will be very productive, but it sure is XML with FrameMaker + SGML Quick Guide Introduction 2 a shame that “XML world” imports (only DTDs and somewhat XML) and exports are so poor ! Of course, HTML (rather poor) and PDF (great) support constitutes another reason why you may want to learn F+S. About the Author: I am a total newbie to both F+S and SGML. I opened the F+S box sometimes in July 2000 and tested it on a PC for 2 days. I know standard FrameMaker pretty well. I have experience with server-side XML+XSLT (e.g. with Cocoon). I am interesting in “single-sourcing”, i.e. maintaining and producing text (in different formats) in a most painless way. I now have F+S 6.0 for Solaris and am writing this on a comfortable Ultra 10 double monitor system. FrameMaker is one of the reasons why I don’t switch to Linux. Btw. Windows is not an answer, it’s a question and my answer is “no”. So all my explanations center on a Unix installation but can be easily adapted to Windows. All the documents produced will be available in http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/xml/frame- sgml/. In particular you may be interested in the following files: My SGML application file ./Stepbystep/sgmlapps.fm The template file for authors: ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep-template.fm The EDD definition file: ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep-edd.fm Special definitions (defunct): ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep-edd-xref.fm A file with a few para defs ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep-paras.fm The SGML declaration: ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep-sgmldcl The read/write rule file: ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep.rules The XML DTD ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep.dtd The generated SGML DTD ./Stepbystep/Stepbystep-sgml.dtd (old?) The CSS for the XML file: ./quick-fm-xml-guide.css The XML output of the guide ./quick-fm-xml-guide.xml The PDF version of the guide ./quick-fm-xml-guide.pdf You may also find something in ./html I wrote this to help you a bit with X+F to produce XML/HTML/PDF documents based on your own XML DTD ... and to make sure of what I learnt myself. Teaching is one of most efficient learning methods, so I do this kind of thing in one way or another for most technologies I am learning and teaching. It took me about 5 days to produce this document, including learning F+S and coming up with the Stepbystep DTD and EDD (F+S’s own schema language) for this very document. So this is not a fancy tutorial, but may help you a bit wading through the official documentation (a >550 page PDF file called MSGML_Dev_Guide.pdf). Plan 5 days too: It takes you about 2 days to get something going if you are good at reading technical documentation (I have rarely seen something as bad coming from a major company, however all the information is there). Then rest a bit (I waited until October after my 2-day stint in July) and then plan at least another 3-4 days to have a setup for producing something like this document (written exactly in FrameMaker as described below) in production. Add more days if you need a good XSLT style-sheet in production, if you want to deal with graphics and crossreferences, etc. I wrote this very document with F+S using a DTD I made just for this called Stepbystep.dtd. It’s freeware btw and will allow you to write short “how-to in X steps” documents like this one. All files used are available and should in work in any F+S version 6.0 system. Expect trouble with fonts tough. XML with FrameMaker + SGML Quick Guide Prerequisites 3 Prerequisites I assume that you are familiar with (simple) FrameMaker usage and the design of simple XML DTDs. I don’t know how much time it would take you learning FrameMaker from scratch, one full day maybe with some help. The same goes for XML (if you are familiar with the idea of grammars and data-structures). Otherwise count more ! Also, if you just opened the F+S Box, you might want to learn how to use F+S as an author (there is a printed book for that). It will take you about an hour to get the idea: instead of defining and using paragraph tags you will use a structure view and an elements list that someone designed for you:). Make sure that you understand: • when to use View->Element Boundaries as Tags (always in the beginning!) • the Elements Window • the Attribute Window • the Structure View Make sure that you know to insert, delete and move elements and attributes. I found inserting particularly difficult. Moving and deleting is easy, particularly if you configure the Text Window with Menu: View->Element Boundaries [as tags]. I also did short tutorial called“FrameMaker + SGML Quick Guide”. See: http:// tecfa.unige.ch/guides/xml/frame-sgml/ which you may want to consult Major Steps of the DTD to FrameMaker to XML Trip Step 1:Find the Manual The real (developer) manual is inside the FrameMaker installation, e.g. on our site it is: /unige/frame_6.0/fminit/usenglish/OnlineManuals/FMSGML_Dev_Guide.pdf Once you found it, get a double monitor system (20’ or better) and launch Acroread. Else print the 570 pages (both will also do). Just to make sure: There is NO printed manual you get which is of any use for the task of setting up an SGML Application (fancy word for the many things you have to declare and define before you can start writing). The books you get are only good if somebody at your place already did what you hopefully will learn here. Step 2:Make your own SGML declaration Unlike XML, SGML is configurable. I.e. you can have different sorts of DTD grammars (and the default does NOT work with XML) . So when you configure your SGML application (see “Create an SGML application” on page 7), you tell the SGML parser to be as XML compatible as you can figure;) Here is what I did: (1)Copy the DocBook or the StepbyStep declaration e.g. cp /unige/frame_6.0/fminit/usenglish/sgml/docbook/app/sgmldcl StepbyStep-sgmldcl Edit this file according to the next step. Or better, just use file “Stepbystep-sgmldcl” that XML with FrameMaker + SGML Quick Guide Step 3:Fix your XML DTD 4 comes with this tutorial (made by J. Hartog and not myself). Later you will have to reference this file from an SGML declaration, but for now move on. (2)Make sure that OMITTAG and NAMECASE GENERAL are NO This will allow you to read an XML DTD, else you will have to uploads/Litterature/ quick-fm-xml-guide.pdf
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