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Projects Research Sites by Subject Language by Linguistic Sub ?eld by Language Family Browse Help Us Add a link to Projects Research Sites Update or report a bad link A Logical Approach to Computational Corpus Linguistics This page is dedicated to an approach to corpus linguistics that uses sentences of logic to express statements about texts and inference to manipulate these sentences in order to analyse the texts Aboriginal Child Language Acquisition project Australia This site describes the second phase of a longitudinal study into child language and child-directed speech in multilingual Indigenous Australian communities The project focuses on school-aged children at home and in the school environment and is funded by the Australian Research Council Our project website contains information about the research team research plans recent publications and relevant links Academia edu Dear all I ? m a Fellow in philosophy at All Souls College Oxford where I recently ?nished my D Phil on the intersection of the philosophy of language and the philosophy of perception I ? ve just launched a website www academia edu which does two things - It displays academics around the world in a 'tree' format according to what university department they are a ?liated with - It enables an academic to have an easy-to-maintain academic webpage My webpage on Academia edu is here http oxford academia edu RichardPrice My hope for the site is that it will list every academic ?? Faculty members Post-Docs and Graduate Students - in the world and display where they are working I also hope people will use the site to keep track of what people in their ?eld are working on Linguistics is currently one of the most active research interests on Academia edu with people in di ?erent subresearch interests Composition Studies Computational Linguistics Natural Language Processing Discourse Analysis Historical Linguistics History Of Linguistics Interlinguistics Languages Morphology Philology Phonetics Phonology Pragmatics Rhetoric Semantics Semiotics Sociolinguistics Syntax I ? m trying to spread the word about www academia edu so if you have a minute please visit the site and add yourself to your department If your department university is not there you can add it them by clicking on the arrows coming out of the department university boxes And do spread the word to your friends and colleagues if you can Many thanks Richard Dr Richard Price Prize Fellow All Souls College Oxford OX AL http oxford academia edu RichardPrice Academy of the Hebrew Language The o ?cial site of the Academy of the Hebrew Language ACQUILEX Project on Computational Lexicons and Lexicography The Acquilex projects were funded by the European Commission under the Basic Research initiative The goal of the ?rst project was to explore the utility of constructing a multilingual lexical knowledge base from machine- readable versions of conventional dictionaries The second project extended this goal by exploring the utility of machine readable textual corpora as a source of lexical information not coded in conventional dictionaries and by adding dictionary publishing partners to
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Oct 29, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 125.9kB