Writing guide 3 Leicester Law School Writing Guide - CTable of Contents Identi ?cation of Relevant Issues What area of the law is the question asking me to demonstrate knowledge of Have I understood all the important legal terms Have I subdivided the ques

Leicester Law School Writing Guide - CTable of Contents Identi ?cation of Relevant Issues What area of the law is the question asking me to demonstrate knowledge of Have I understood all the important legal terms Have I subdivided the question into all the parts that will need addressing The introduction Show Knowledge of Relevant Rules of Law Have I referred to primary sources of law ?? legislation and case law Is the law I have referred to still ? good law ? ?? relevant and up-to-date Have I referred to secondary sources of law where necessary Problem questions Essay questions Have I considered the use of quotations Knowledge and Understanding ?? Logic and Analysis Have I critically analysed the question Have I undertaken critical analysis in my answer Essay questions Problem questions Am I clear about what a question doesn't include Have I evaluated whether the law as it now stands is good law What kind of answer does it imply Broad models to help me answer essay questions and problem questions Essay questions Problem questions Structure Is there a clear and organised presentation of the issues facts and core materials to be addressed Have I separated sections that are descriptive from sections that are analytical Do the materials and analyses I have used provide enough evidence for my conclusion Have I got clear signposts at the beginning of paragraphs Have I broken-up any very long paragraphs Essay questions Problem questions Is the title page correct Presentation Have I read my essay aloud to check my sentence structure Have I checked my spelling grammar and vocabulary CHave I used gender neutral language Referencing Have I referenced all sources and ideas cited in my essay Does my referencing follow the OSCOLA referencing style guide If I reference something more than once have I shortened the subsequent citations The bibliography Finally ?? Make sure you check and proof read your work Am I sure this is an answer to the question set Do my introduction and conclusion now make sense as answer to the question Have I used the terms of the question throughout the essay Do I know when this has to be handed in Have I stuck to the word limit Have I relooked at the marking criteria in the Assessment Handbook This guide complements and should be read in conjunction the Law School Assessment Handbook First Years should also refer to ? The Contract Law What to do at Law School Guide ? Your Analysing Legal Systems Module CIdenti ?cation of Relevant Issues The following preparatory steps are designed to help you ? identify the issues raised by the question ? What area of the law is the question asking me to demonstrate knowledge of What part of the syllabus does the question concern Does it cover more than one part of the syllabus ? Check ?? and double-check ?? that the question is about what you think it is about ? Remember you cannot re-write the question

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