Robust junction detector in line drawing images and time efficient feature indexing in feature vector space 1
UNIVERSITÉ FRANÇOIS RABELAIS DE TOURS ÉCOLE DOCTORALE MIPTIS Laboratoire d ? Informatique EA THÈSE présentée par The Anh PHAM soutenue le novembre pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l ? université François - Rabelais de Tours Discipline Spécialité INFORMATIQUE Détection robuste de jonctions et points d ? intérêt dans les images et indexation rapide de caractéristiques dans un espace de grande dimension THÈSE dirigée par Ramel Jean-Yves Co-encadrants Delalandre Mathieu Barrat Sabine RAPPORTEURS Tabbone Salvatore-Antoine Ogier Jean-Marc JURY Llados Josep Tabbone Salvatore-Antoine Ogier Jean-Marc Kise Koichi Ramel Jean-Yves Delalandre Mathieu Barrat Sabine Professeur Université François Rabelais de Tours Ma? tre de Conférences Université François Rabelais de Tours Ma? tre de Conférences Université François Rabelais de Tours Professeur Université de Lorraine France Professeur Université de La Rochelle France Professeur Université Autonoma de Barcelone Espagne Professeur Université de Lorraine France Professeur Université de La Rochelle France Professeur Université Osaka Prefecture Japon Professeur Université François Rabelais de Tours Ma? tre de Conférences Université François Rabelais de Tours Ma? tre de Conférences Université François Rabelais de Tours C CAcknowledgments Gratitude is the sign of noble souls ?? Aesop First of all I would like to present my warmest regards to my advisors Dr Mathieu Delalandre Dr Sabine Barrat and Professor Jean-Yves Ramel I am delighted and I feel privileged to be supervised by you all All the achievement that I have obtained during my PhD are due to your patience openness and devotion provided to me during the past three years I appreciate so very much all the open discussion that we have exchanged with each other through a huge number of reading groups during this thesis I feel blessed to keep forever all your kind guidance great e ?orts and considerable enthusiasm at the bottom of my heart I am grateful to the reviewers for taking time to give me valuable comments and suggestions on this manuscript Despite of my exhaustive e ?ort on ful ?lling this work there are still a number of issues that need to be pointed out and corrected by you Your comments and feedback shall de ?nitely make this dissertation improved considerably I musk thank the administration sta ? of Laboratory of Computer Science François Rabelais University of Tours for their pretty kind assistance and support during three years of my thesis research Thank you very much for making easier all the administrative works involved in my thesis and part of my life here in Tours In particular on behalf of Vietnamese students at Polytech ? Tours I would like to present my special thanks to Professor Jean-Charles Billaut for his openness kindness and in ?nite help and support I am de ?nitely sure that you all are very friendly open-hearted and helpful people that I have ever had the change of knowing you Thank you very much all my friends When I ?rst came here everything is new and strange for me but you have helped me a lot You make me more and more familiar
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- Publié le Mai 31, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 625.6kB