Scicos user x27 s guide To cite this version Ramine Nikoukhah Serge Steer SCICOS A Dynamic System Builder and Simulator User ? s Guide - Version Research Report RT- pp HAL Id inria- https hal inria fr inria- Submitted on May HAL is a multi-disciplinary op

To cite this version Ramine Nikoukhah Serge Steer SCICOS A Dynamic System Builder and Simulator User ? s Guide - Version Research Report RT- pp HAL Id inria- https hal inria fr inria- Submitted on May HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scienti ?c research documents whether they are published or not The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad or from public or private research centers L ? archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL est destin ?ee au d ?ep ot et a la di ?usion de documents scienti ?ques de niveau recherche publi ?es ou non ?emanant des ?etablissements d ? enseignement et de recherche fran cais ou ?etrangers des laboratoires publics ou priv ?es CINSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE SCICOS A Dynamic System Builder and Simulator User ? s Guide - Version Ramine Nikoukhah Serge Steer N ? Juin THE ME apport technique ISSN - C CSCICOS A Dynamic System Builder and Simulator User ? s Guide - Version Ramine Nikoukhah Serge Steer Theme ?? Simulation et optimisation de systemes complexes Projet META Rapport technique n ? ?? Juin ?? pages Abstract Scicos Scilab Connected Object Simulator is a Scilab package for modeling and simulation of hybrid dynamical systems More speci ?cally Scicos is intended to be a simulation environment in which both continuous systems and discrete systems co-exist Unlike many other existing hybrid system simulation softwares Scicos has not been constructed by extension of a continuous simulator or of a discrete simulator Scicos has been developed based on a formalism that considers both aspects from the beginning Scicos includes a graphical editor which can be used to build complex models by interconnecting blocks which represent either prede ?ned basic functions de ?ned in Scicos libraries palettes or user de ?ned functions A large class of hybrid systems can be modeled and simulated this way Key-words Nonlinear simulation hybrid systems block-diagram modeling dynamic systems Re ?sume ? tsvp The development of Scicos is part of the ongoing project ??Scilab ? at INRIA All the programs developed in this project are distributed free with all the sources through Internet and other media The objective of the development of Scicos is along the lines of that of Scilab that is to provide the scienti ?c community with a a completely open and free environment for scienti ?c computing Just like Scilab Scicos is more than just a research tool it has already been used in a number of industrial projects Even though its applications so far have been mostly limited to the areas of control and signal processing Scicos and specially this new version of it should ?nd other applications in other areas This version of Scicos is a built-in library toolbox of Scilab For information on Scicos and Scilab in general consult http www-rocq inria fr scilab and newsgroup comp soft- sys math scilab The latest version of Scilab can be obtained by anonymous

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