Shapur i SHAPUR I name born by three Sasanian King of kings and a number of notables of the Sasanian and later periods It is derived from Old Iranian x? aya ?iya pu ?ra 'son of king' and originally must have been a title which came to be used at least fro
SHAPUR I name born by three Sasanian King of kings and a number of notables of the Sasanian and later periods It is derived from Old Iranian x? aya ?iya pu ?ra 'son of king' and originally must have been a title which came to be used at least from the last decades of the nd century C E as a personal name although its appearance in Parthian king-lists of Arabic- Persian histories e g Biruni Chronology pp - is anachronistic The attested forms include Parth ? hypwhr Sasanian ? hpwr-y Manichean Pahlavi ? 'bwhr Book Pahlavi ? hpwhl Arm ? apowh Syriac ? bwhr Sogdian ? 'p ' wr Bactrian a ?or o and a ?oro Gk Sapur Sabour and Sapuris Lat Sapores and Sapor Ar Sa bur and a bur NPers a pur a hpur ahfur etc see N? ldeke Ka rna mak pp - Justi Namenbuch p Fluss col Sundermann p Back pp - Garso? an pp - Gignoux pp - Huyse II pp - i Shapur I Second Sasanian King of kings r - and author of several rock-reliefs and the trilingual inscription on the walls of the so-called Ka'ba- ye Zardo? t KZ Shapur's co-rulership and accession Shapur was the son of Arda? ir I q v and Lady Myro d KZ Gk l He participated in his father's campaign against the Arsacids T abari I p con ?rmed by the victory relief of Arda? ir I at Firuza ba d see EIr II pp - Arda? ir judged him the gentlest wisest bravest and ablest of all his children Mas'udi Moruj II p and nominated him as his successor in an assembly of the magnates Skjaerv? pp - He appears in Arda? ir's investiture reliefs at Naq? -e Rajab q v and Firuza ba d as the heir apparent Hinz pp ? and passim and our data indicate that he later shared rulership with his father Ghirshman Calmeyer pp - - Bal ami ed Baha r p states that Arda? ir placed with his own hand his own crown upon CShapur's head and Mas udi Moruj II p con ?rmings this adds that Arda? ir then retired to serve God and lived for a year or longer The testimony of the Cologne Mani Codex q v that in Mani's twenty-fourth year i e in Arda? ir subjugated the city of Hatra and King Shapur his son placed on his head the great royal diadem Henrichs ?? Koenen pp also indicates a period of synarchy In late the Emperor Gordianus III sent a letter from Antioch in Syria to the senate claiming that he had removed the threat of Persian kings reges persarum from the city SHA Gordiani Tres which means that in Persia had two kings Indeed Arda? ir's lates coins continues his usual reverse type of an elaborate ?re altar and the legend NWR ' Z Y 'r t x ? tr Fire of Ardax? tar but it portrays him facing a youthful
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- Publié le Nov 03, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
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