The pre indo european issue revisited t
Paliga Sorin The Pre-Indo-European Issue Revisited The Old Slavic Heritage and Its Survival Etymological Research into Old Church Slavonic Proceedings of the Etymological Symposium Brno ?? September Brno Ed by Ilona Jany ?ková Helena Karlíková Praha Lidové noviny pp ?? Etymological Research into Old Church Slavonic Proceedings of the Etymological Symposium Brno ?? September Brno Edited by Ilona Jany ?ková Helena Karlíková Nakladatelství Lidové noviny Praha Csorin paliga the pre-indo-european issue revisited the old slavic heritage and its survival Abstract The paper brie y analyzes the complex problems referring to the Pre-Indo-European heritage of Europe v the Indo-European heritage and in a larger context v ? Nostratic ? or ? Nostratic-like ? theories Slavic ryba ? ?sh ? has been chosen for analysis attempting to enlarge the list of possibly related forms among these the river-Name Raba Romanian roab ? ? a wheelbarrow ? ? wheel ? and the verb a r ?bda ? to endure to su ?er ? ? to have one ? s back curved under a heavy burden ? not excluded to be related with Slavic rab ? rob ? ? a serf ? in which case the etymology of this latter form should be re-considered The reconstructed root is a Pre-Indo-European root R-B- ? rotund curvilinear to bend ? Keywords Pre-Indo-European Uralic Altaic Nostratic Proto-Boreal linguistic reconstruction Premises Over the last decades the attention of most linguists preoccupied with the heritage of prehistoric Europe and Asia ?? to just limit our brief review to this area ?? seems to have focused on the Indo-European issues and after initial hesitations on the possible relations between the Indo-European proto- language on the one hand Uralic and Altaic on the other To date there are several convergent theories They may be labeled ? Nostratic ? preserving the ?rst term used for this type of analysis or ? Nostratic-like ? theories Out of the known attempts three seem relevant to us as they have their internal coherence of analysis even if some details may be debatable Pedersen ??Svity ? known as Nostratic proper Nikolaj Dmitrievi ? Andreev and his ? Proto-Boreal ? theory Joseph Greenberg and his Euroasiatic theory Less has been written on the Pre-Indo-European Non-Indo-European heritage of Europe and still less on the possible Pre-Indo-European hereafter Pre-IE heritage of Slavic I attempted a ?rst analysis of the issue in Paliga then in a larger context e g Paliga Recently I tried a new interpretation of the Slavic form t ?rg ? ? ? ? ? Balkanic conference in Toru May the volume will be reportedly printed in The form was considered of Sumerian origin by Machek a hypothesis di ?cult to accept as such Nevertheless ?? if ? read ? or reinterpreted in a larger context ?? this may be labeled ? of Pre-Indo-European origin ? This is what I suggested in the case of t ?rg ? ? ? ? ? with the important note that it seems to be a trade ? migratory ? term
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- Publié le Apv 20, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 72kB