Washington driver guide 2013

DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING Washington Driver Guide dol wa gov Warning Signs Winding Road Divided Highway Road Begins Divided Highway Road Ends Cross Road Merging Tra ?c Lane Ends Merge Left Slippery When Wet Signal Ahead Hill Two-Way School Pedestrian Tra ?c Crossing Crossing Railroad Crossing Advance Warning Bicycles Soft Shoulder Added Lane from right no merging required Deer Crossing Curve Left mph or less recommended No Passing Zone Slow Moving Vehicle ??Color can be uorescent green or yellow Graphics provided in cooperation with Washington State Department of Transportation Message From The Governor There ? s nothing quite like the freedom and convenience that come with driving but operating a vehicle safely is a huge responsibility The Department of Licensing ? s Driver Guide will help you understand the rules of the road and give you valuable information about safe and responsible driving Remember your success in earning a driver license and your safety out on our highways depend on your understanding of the information in this book I encourage you to study carefully to help ensure a lifetime of safe driving Christine Gregoire Governor i Message From The Director Welcome to driving in Washington I am pleased to present the Washington Driver Guide for current and future drivers on Washington roads At the Department of Licensing our mission is to work together for a safer Washington One way we can accomplish this is through education and careful licensing of the nearly ?ve million drivers sharing our streets and highways Driving is a vital part of life yet owning a vehicle and holding a driver license are privileges that require responsibility This manual provides a summary of the laws rules and techniques that apply to every person who drives a vehicle in Washington State Please remember to buckle up obey speed laws and never drive under the in uence of alcohol or drugs Respect for tra ?c laws and respect for other drivers will keep us all safe on the road For more information about our services visit our website at www dol wa gov Safe Driving Alan Haight Director ii Table of Contents THE DRIVER LICENSE Washington Residents New Residents Nonresidents and Visitors Types of Driver Licenses Getting Your License Proof of Identity and Proof of Residence Vision and Medical Screenings The Knowledge Test The Driving Test Your Photograph Driver License Renewal Replacement License Change of Address or Name Keeping Your Driver License Failure to Appear Sex-O ?ender Registration Other Licensing Services BEFORE YOUR DRIVE Insurance Required Check the Vehicle Secure Your Load Clean Glass Surfaces Adjust Seat and Mirrors Use Seat Belts and Child Restraints RULES OF THE ROAD Tra ?c Control Devices Tra ?c Signs Tra ?c Signs Pavement Markings Roundabouts Reserved Lanes Reversible Lanes Two-Way Left Turn Lanes General Rules Right-Of-Way iii Parking Parking on a Hill Parallel Parking SAFE DRIVING TIPS Starting Accelerating Steering Speeding and Speed Limits Stopping Seeing Well Driver Distractions Scanning Use Your Lights Letting Others Know You Are There Letting Others Know

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