Writing out the tourist in space and time pdf

Pergamon Annals of Tourism Research Vol No pp ? ? Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain - PII S - - WRITING OUT THE TOURIST IN SPACE AND TIME Graham Dann University of Luton UK Abstract This paper examines the ways in which travel writing manages the distinction between traveler and tourist In exploring this complex literary genre the study also tries to account for its continued popularity as a promotional medium By writing out the tourist via the universal categories of space and time writers can appeal to the anti- tourist who resides in every tourist The metaphor of a journey to the timeless periphery may also strike a chord in many a reader since it speaks of life itself as a form of travel By way of illustration typical works of three contemporary Anglophone travel writers are selected and compared Keywords travel writing literary genre tourist versus traveler space and time periphery ? Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved Resume Pour e ?acer le touriste dans l espace et le temps Cet article examine comment la litterature de voyage traite la distinction entre voyageur et touriste En examinant ce genre litteraire complexe l etude a pour but d expliquer sa popularite continue comme vehiclule de promotion En e ?ac ant le touriste aÁ travers les categories universelles de l espace et du temps les ecrivains arrivent aÁ plaire aÁ l anti-touriste qui vit dans chaque touriste La metaphore d un voyage aÁ une peripherie intemporelle peut toucher la corde sensible pour maint lecteur puisqu elle parle de la vie me ?me comme une sorte de voyage On compare les exemples qui sont tires de trois ecrivains anglophones contemporains typiques de la litterature de voyage Mots-cles litterature de voyage genre litteraire touriste par opposition aÁ voyageur espace et temps peripherie ? Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved INTRODUCTION The distinction between traveler and tourist has become a recurring theme in the academic literature and a subject of spirited electronic discussion among tourism experts This enduring topic has sparked o ? a lengthy debate about authenticity Cohen MacCannell Moscardo and Pearce over whether some or all tourists seek contrived or genuine experiences It has helped frame some analogies about tourism envisaged for example as a sacred journey Graburn or as a form of play Lett Moore The distinction has raised several questions about the nature of the touristic quest and its relationship to destination people the presumed object of that quest Crick van den Berghe Indeed the familiar dichotomy has even posed issues of identity for researchers as they either emphasize similarities Crick Graham Dann is a founder member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and of the Research Committee on International Tourism of the International Sociological Association After lecturing in sociology for years at the University of the West Indies Barbados in he took up his current position as Professor of Tourism at the University of Luton Department of Tourism and Leisure

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