Iec62067 ed2 0 rlv en pdf This is a preview - click here to buy the full publication S IEC Edition - IEC STANDARDS Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above kV Um kV up to kV Um kV ?? Test methods and requirement

This is a preview - click here to buy the full publication S IEC Edition - IEC STANDARDS Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above kV Um kV up to kV Um kV ?? Test methods and requirements C? bles d'énergie à isolation extrudée et leurs accessoires pour des tensions assignées supérieures à kV Um kV et jusqu'à kV Um kV ?? Méthodes et exigences d'essai INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Marque déposée de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale RH PRICE CODE CODE PRIX ISBN - - - - CThis is a preview - click here to buy the full publication INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IEC Edition - NORME INTERNATIONALE Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above kV Um kV up to kV Um kV ?? Test methods and requirements C? bles d'énergie à isolation extrudée et leurs accessoires pour des tensions assignées supérieures à kV Um kV et jusqu'à kV Um kV ?? Méthodes et exigences d'essai IEC CThis is a preview - click here to buy the full publication ?? ?? ? IEC CONTENTS FOREW ORD INTRODUCTION Scope Normative references Terms and de ?nitions De ?nitions of dimensional values thicknesses cross-sections etc De ?nitions concerning tests Other de ?nitions Voltage designations and materials Rated voltages Cable insulating materials Cable metal screens sheaths Cable oversheathing materials Precautions against water penetration in cables Cable characteristics Accessory characteristics Test conditions Ambient temperature Frequency and waveform of power frequency test voltages Wave form of impulse test voltages Lightning impulse voltage Switching impulse voltage Relationship of test voltages to rated voltages Determination of the cable conductor temperature Routine tests on cables and on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories General Partial discharge test Voltage test Electrical test on oversheath of the cable Sample tests on cables General Frequency of tests Repetition of tests Conductor examination Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor and of metal screen sheath Measurement of thickness of insulation and cable oversheath General Requirements for the insulation Requirements for the cable oversheath Measurement of thickness of metal sheath Lead or lead alloy sheath Plain or corrugated aluminium sheath Measurement of diameter Hot set test for XLPE and EPR insulations Procedure Requirements Measurement of capacitance C ? IEC This is a preview - click here to buy the full publication ?? ?? Measurement of density of HDPE insulation Procedure Requirements Lightning impulse voltage test Water penetration test Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal tape or foil bonded to the oversheath Sample tests on accessories Tests on components Tests on complete accessory Type tests on cable systems General Range of type approval Summary of type tests Electrical type tests on complete cable systems Test voltage values Tests and sequence of tests Bending test Partial discharge tests Tan ? measurement Heating cycle voltage test Impulse voltage tests Examination Resistivity of semi-conducting screens Non-electrical type tests on cable components and on complete cable Check of

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