2015 adecco salary guide malaysia

Adecco Salary Guide Malaysia Contents Part Salaries for Administration O ?ce Support Positions Across All Sectors Industries Administration O ?ce Support O ?ce Support Secretarial Accounting Finance Human Resources Sales Customer Service Marketing Logistics Part Salaries for Industry-Speci ?c Positions Banking Financial Services Back O ?ce Middle O ?ce Front O ?ce Retail Banking Engineering Technical Hospitality Retail Information Technology Medical Science Medical Sales Marketing Scienti ?c Biomedical Science Welcome to the Adecco Salary Guide Malaysia Welcome to the Adecco Salary Guide Malaysia ?? a comprehensive overview of updated salary information job descriptions and trends across key sectors and industries The salary information in this guide has been researched by Adecco experts who liaise with clients and candidates every day of the week The information is based on their extensive experience in recruitment and human resources Throughout the year these experts will continue to provide salary updates and to ensure that you always have the information that you need at your ?ngertips In there was a strong growth in job opportunities across most sectors There is an increased con ?dence within many organisations to further expand their headcount following key government initiatives that supports the growth and productivity of many businesses in Malaysia Jobseekers in many sectors continued to have multiple career options open to them along with bargaining power relating to salary and compensation packages As in we are continuing to see organisations compete to attract and retain the very best talent Human Resource professionals within companies and organisations arguably have a more important role than ever before as they endeavour to ensure that their business leaders have the strongest teams in place This guide covers many speci ?c job titles across various industry sectors However if you are looking for salary data that may not be covered then please do connect with your Adecco contact who will be pleased to support you I personally hope that this Adecco Salary Guide Malaysia will be of great bene ?t to you your colleagues and business partners You can also download the salary guide at adecco com my Alma Othman Country Director Adecco Malaysia Administration O ?ce Support Position Job Description Quali ?cation Experience Minimum Maximum Salary Salary In Years Monthly Salary in MYR O ?ce Support Administration O ?ce Manager Reports to the Director or General Manager Responsible for o ?ce administration management and formulates administrative policies Sources for and negotiates with vendors Diploma Degree - Administration Assistant Executive Supports the general administrative function SPM Diploma - Data Specialist Data analysis data mining and preparation of report Pro ?cient in advanced Excel skills Macros V-Look up pivot tables etc Diploma Degree - Receptionist Attends to calls visitors mailing and general administrative support Reports to the O ?ce Manager or HR Manager Excellent communication skills and highly presentable SPM Diploma - Driver goods products Drives van small lorry Able to speak and write English Secondary education Class D License required Secretarial Personal Assistant Supports top management sometimes C-Suite level Manages full

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  • Publié le Mai 30, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 127.4kB