? ISO - ISO ISO - - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? New Managerialism Public Choice Exworthy Halford K? nig ? Neues Steuerungsmodell ? - ? ? ? ? C- ? E ? Economy E ?ectiveness E ?ciency ? McLaughlin Muncie Hughes ? - legalistisch ? Clarke Gewirz McLaughlin

? ISO - ISO ISO - - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? New Managerialism Public Choice Exworthy Halford K? nig ? Neues Steuerungsmodell ? - ? ? ? ? C- ? E ? Economy E ?ectiveness E ?ciency ? McLaughlin Muncie Hughes ? - legalistisch ? Clarke Gewirz McLaughlin managerialistisch K? nig ? E ?ciency Drive NPM Model - ? Downsizing and Decentralization NPM Model - ? In Search of Excellence NPM Model ? Public Service Orientation Model Ferlie - Friedrichsmeier Friedrichsmeier project-management ? ? governance ? ? limited C- ? Lorig ? ? entrepreneurial governance - - ? quasi-markets outsourcing ? - ? Sumner Osborne Gaebler ? ? Osborne Gaebler steering rather than rowing ? Osborne Gaebler - performance - - ? audit ? ? Value For Money From Inputs to Outcomes ? ? Du Gay C- performance management self-development self-management ? Du Gay ? ?- ? ? Zizek ? ? ? ? ? ? O ?e ? ? what works ? ? ? ? Friedrichsmeier ? ? ? ? SMART ? ? speci ?c ? measurable ? achievable ? realistic ? time-tabled McLaughlin et al ? ? C- ? good governance governance - government ? corporate governance socio - cybernetic system Rhodes ? ? ? ? ? Kiely ? ? Peet ? ? ? Peet ? Kiely ? ? ? ? Camdessus - ? Camdessus ? ? C- Camdessus ? ? - Kiely ? sound management ? ? ? ? Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency ? Good Practice Principles on Supervisory Colleges ? ? ? ? ? market friendly intervention - ? Kiely ? ? ? smart Zizek ? ? ? ? ? ungovernability theories ? ISO - ? ? - ? Camdessus ? ISO C- ? ISO ? ISO ISO ISO Murphy Yates ? ISO ISO ISO low - pro ?le ? Murphy Yates Murphy Yates ISO ? Murphy Yates ? ISO - Social Responsibility ? Total Quality M anagement ? ISO ISO ? ? ? customer orientation ? ISO ISO ISO ISO ? European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ENQA ISO ? ISO o ENQA ISO C- ISO Murphy Yates ? Reichard Exworthy Halford Lynn marketization - - - ? Krasmann ? C- ? corporate social responsibility ? Campbell ISO ? ? ? social marketing ? Zizek ? - ? - ? self - responsibility ? responsibilisation ? activation ? aktivierender Staat Eick ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? Thatcher ? Mead Mead Mead ? ? ? Mead C- O ?e ? ? - ? ? ? Foucault governmentality ? Foucault Foucault ? ? Foucault ? ? Garland Foucault ? Garland ISO ? ? ? ? ? Halford Leonard - exicurity ? ISO ? ? C- - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ISO - ? - ? ? C- Campbell John L Institutional Analysis and the Paradox of Corporate Social Responsibility

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  • Publié le Mar 27, 2022
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