Adm guide soca ADMISSION GUIDE School of Creative Arts Undergraduate Graduate Post Graduate Programs Admission O ?ce -Km Defense Road O ? Raiwind Road Near Bhobtian Chowk Lahore -Km Raiwind Road Lahore near Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore UAN - - - - Web www uol

ADMISSION GUIDE School of Creative Arts Undergraduate Graduate Post Graduate Programs Admission O ?ce -Km Defense Road O ? Raiwind Road Near Bhobtian Chowk Lahore -Km Raiwind Road Lahore near Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore UAN - - - - Web www uol edu pk Emil admissions uol edu pk CInstructions for Applicants The applicants are encouraged to read the following information before ?lling up the Admission Form carefully and avoid overwriting The Admission Form must be ?lled and signed by the applicant The applicant either male or female who ful ?lls the requirements prescribed by the University and conditions mentioned in the prospectus is eligible to apply for admission Application for admission must be made on the prescribed form annexed to the Prospectus which may be obtained from Admission O ?ce on payment of Rs - during o ?ce hours Monday to Friday am to pm - Saturday Sunday to pm An applicant can also download the Admission Form from the University website Filled this form and attached bank draft Rs - from any bank in favor of ??The University of Lahore ? and send it through courier along with bank draft days before admission closing date otherwise your form will not be acceptable Please mention your mailing address and contact info clearly An applicant can apply in four degree programs at a time However he or she will be charged Rs - per choice excluding the ?rst one Certi ?ed photocopies of the following documents are required to be attached with the Admission Form a colored passport size photographs b Matric Inter Bachelor and Master degrees or IBCC HEC equivalent c CNIC card of the applicant or Form B or Father CNIC Don ? t attach Domicile Character and Hope Certi ?cate with Admission Form In case an applicant does not have certi ?ed copies of the required documents the same may be attested by University Admission O ?cer on submission of the original documents In order to get admission in any degree program the applicants are required to qualify UOL Entrance Test Interview or both The selection of applicant shall be on merit determined on the basis of marks obtained in the last examination entry test and such other criteria as University may determine Applicants awaiting ?nal exam result or those who have appeared in supplementary exam are eligible to apply for admission However in such cases they will be deprived of previous quali ?cation weightage and will be purely evaluated on the basis of their test interview score The applicants bearing O -Level A-Level quali ?cation or equivalent are required to submit their IBCC Equivalence Certi ?cate in order to determine their eligibility If an applicant fails to produce the same he or she will not be given quali ?cation weightage All admissions are granted on ??Provisional ? basis It is the sole responsibility of the selected applicants to provide proof of their eligibility within weeks of the declaration of the result failing which their admission will

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  • Publié le Aoû 13, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 41.9kB