Analytical solutions and design curves for
Analytical solutions and design curves for vacuum-assisted consolidation with both vertical and horizontal drainage Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn and Buddhima Indraratna Abstract A system of vertical drains combined with vacuum preloading is an e ?ective method for promoting radial ow to accelerate soil consolidation This study presents the analytical modeling of the consolidation of vertical drains incorporating vacuum preloading considering both vertical and horizontal drainage The e ?ects of a number of dimensionless parameters involving the drain length soil permeability and vacuum pressure are examined through average excess pore pressure degree of consolidation associated settlement and time factor analyses An analysis of selected case histories compliments the use of the proposed solutions Design charts are also presented for practical use Key words analytical solution consolidation design charts vertical drains Résumé Un système de drains verticaux combinés avec un préchargement par le vide est une méthode e ?cace pour favoriser l ? écoulement radial dans le but d ? accélérer la consolidation du sol Cette étude présente la modélisation analytique d ? une consolidation de drains verticaux incorporant un préchargement par le vide et prenant en compte le drainage tant horizontal que vertical Les e ?ets d ? un certain nombre de paramètres dimensionnels impliquant la longueur du drain la perméabilité du sol et la pression de vide sont examinés à la lumière des analyses de l ? excédent moyen de pression interstitielle du degré de consolidation du tassement associé et du facteur temps Une analyse d ? histoires de cas sélectionnés complète l ? utilisation des solutions proposées On présente aussi des graphiques de conception pour utilisation pratique Mots-clés solution analytique consoliidation graphiques de conception drains verticaux Traduit par la Rédaction Rujikiatkamjorn and Indraratna Introduction The vacuum preloading method was ?rst introduced by Kjellman to improve the strength of soft soil An increase in the e ?ective stress in a soil mass with this method is attributed to applying a vacuum pressure in lieu of a conventional surcharge Qian et al This system has been used to achieve a rapid consolidation and reduce the height of surcharge ?ll by vacuum pressure acting as an additional surcharge load The advantages of vacuum preloading compared to conventional preloading are summarized as follows i the e ?ective stress related to suction pressure increases equiaxially and the corresponding lateral movement is compressive and consequently the risk of shear failure can be minimized even at a higher rate of embankment construction Qian et al ii depending on the vacuum e ?ciency e g extent of air leaks in the ?eld the height of surcharge ?ll can be decreased to achieve the same amount of settlement iii at any given time the maximum excess pore pres- Received June Accepted October Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http cgj nrc ca on March C Rujikiatkamjorn and B Indraratna School of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW Australia Corresponding author e-mail indra uow edu au sure prevailing under a vacuum preloading system is
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- Publié le Dec 18, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
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