Automation project survival guide

AUTOMATION PROJECT SURVIVAL GUIDE Ideas to help you land on your feet BROUGHT TO YOU BY TABLE OF CONTENTS Points to Consider Before Even Beginning Your Automation Project T ips for Successful Project Development N ine Tips for Automation Project Managers F our IT Standards You Should Understand Four Considerations for Upgrades Migrations E ight Ideas for Successful DCS Implementation Suggestions for Control System Migrations Steps to Creating the Perfect HMI Safety The Lifecycle Approach C ontrol System Security Tips H ow to Avoid Mistakes with Control System Remote Access F our Tips for Dealing with Wireless Latency and Bandwidth Issues H ow to Properly Select and Vet a System Integrator AUTOMATION PROJECT SURVIVAL GUIDE AUTOMATION PROJECT SURVIVAL GUIDE Points to Consider Before Even Beginning Your Automation Project The ?rst step in any automation project is the most critical one De ?ne your objectives The more thorough and detailed this de ?nition is and the earlier in the process it can be achieved the greater the likelihood that the project will be completed successfully Visualize success Try to visualize what a project would look like if it were a stunning success Take note of how it will a ?ect all the people involved and write down any others you think it might touch Take all of these people and put them on a spreadsheet column Now in rows across write down the attributes they need in the machine process Use this when evaluating solutions and communicate shortcomings to those a ?ected Come up with workarounds or throw out the idea if the results won ? t be acceptable What ? s driving the project You need to understand what is the most important motivation for doing this particular project and use that to guide your decision-making Helping people Automation can do many things but one must be aware that its purpose is to do real WHAT DO THEY REALLY WANT AND WHY It ? s essential to understand each person ? s expectations before a project starts There are three parts to this de ?nition process yyWhat outcomes or desired results does the project team want to achieve yyWhat do they want the project experience to be like for example no production line shutdowns during the project or communicate updates by email yyHow will they de ?ne quality such as on time on budget or increased production volumes or zero downtime at the end of the project Di ?erent people will have di ?erent expectations and they all have to be satis ?ed things in a given ecosystem Keep in mind that the goal is to have systems engineered to serve humans not the other way around Project de ?nition is critical Without doing true engineering work everything you learned in school and in your career up to this point you are not doing any project properly or professionally By creating de ?nition for the project and then verifying that the project will answer the need you are on your

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Apv 01, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 117.5kB