Bibliography 2023 03 28T194121 612

BIBLIOGRAPHY ? Books referred ? Visual Basic Programming Black Book Steven Holzner ? Visual Basic Nirali Prakashan ? Websites referred ? www vbtutor net ? www slideshare net ? www draw io ? www youtube com CSerial number INDEX Topic Introduction of hospital management Problem description limitation Form Desigs with input values System Designing Bibliography INTRODUCATION OF HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT CIn most developing countries provision of basic preventive promotive and curative services is a major concern of the Government With growing population and advancement in the medical technology and increasing expectation of the people especially for quality curative care it has now become imperative to provide quality health care services through the established institutions In public Sector allopathic hospitals Health Information of India are functioning In the rural areas the secondary level care is being provided through CHCs Bulletin on Rural Health Statistics in India with beds each with specialist services of physicians pediatricians O G specialists and However these services have not been successful in gaining the faith and con ?dence of the people because of lack of specialists facilities and accountability along with the paucity of resources and non-involvement of the community Hospital Management System is a simple yet e ?ective management structure This system acts for the hospitals to manage the a ?airs of the hospital COBJECTIVES This project is aimed to automate the hospital management system This project is developed mainly to administrate doctor's appointment with the patients The purpose of the project entitled as HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is to computerize the Front O ?ce Management of Hospital to develop software the collection of patient ? s information diagnosis details etc Traditionally it was done manually The main function of the system is to register and store patient details and doctor details and retrieve these details as and when required and also to manipulate these details meaningfully C

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  • Publié le Oct 07, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 29.2kB