Candidate guide 2 R Level A ?? Graduate Certi ?cate in Team Leadership Quali ?cation Candidate Guide CCandidate Guide MDS Contents SECTION ONE ?? Introduction Background to the Worldwide Center for Organizational Development Background to ILM and the Team
R Level A ?? Graduate Certi ?cate in Team Leadership Quali ?cation Candidate Guide CCandidate Guide MDS Contents SECTION ONE ?? Introduction Background to the Worldwide Center for Organizational Development Background to ILM and the Team Leading Quali ?cations What is in the Certi ?cate in Team Leading Can I do Distance Learning How Long Will it Take Where do the Quali ?cations Lead Outline of ILM Quali ?cations Membership of ILM Information on Equal Opportunities Assessment Appeals Procedure Resources Programme Support Team SECTION TWO ?? Programme Details - MDS Summary Overview Underpinning Competencies Module Progression - MDS Assessment System List of Assessment Instruments Level and Module Assessment Framework Format of the Programme Core Programme Structure tailored to each programme SECTION THREE ?? Appendices Appendix Equal Opportunities Policy Appendix Criteria and Template for Assessment Work ? Worldwide Center for Organizational Development CCandidate Guide MDS Section One ?? Introduction Background to Worldwide Center for Organizational Development Worldwide Center for Organizational Development WCOD is an international provider of management and leadership programmes and is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management or ILM to o ?er the full range of their core quali ?cations for Team Leaders Line Managers Middle and Senior Managers Our programmes o ?er two unique features ? An objective initial assessment process that gives you credit for the competencies and skills that you have already and helps you to focus your development on the priority areas ? Flexible interactive open-learning materials to make sure we do not take you out of the workplace for more than is needed In addition you will receive full support throughout your programme from a personal tutor and a team of specialists and support personnel Background to ILM and the Team Leading Quali ?cations ILM ? o ?ers members and accredited centres the opportunity to invest in management competencies and skills ? represents members and their interests on national bodies ? supports its members through the provision of services and bene ?ts in the workplace and at home ? membership recognises individual professionalism ILM was formed in with the merger of the Institute of Supervisory Management ISM and the National Examination Board for Supervision and Management NEBS ILM supports international objectives to ensure that leaders and managers of the future can be developed with a particular focus on ?rst line and middle levels The Institute o ?ers membership services together with leadership and management quali ?cations As part of the City Guilds Group ILM represents a strategic initiative to support excellence in leadership and management in all sectors and to develop new and appropriate services for organisations and individuals ILM Team Leading quali ?cations are for those people who are current or potential team leaders or supervisors who may already be in position but have had little or no formal management training They may work in factories and o ?ces in hospitals in call centres on building sites in leisure centres in the armed services and in the voluntary sector Wherever people
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- Publié le Sep 19, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 72.8kB