Cissp process guide CISSP PROCESS GUIDE V CISSP PROCESS GUIDE V made by madunix SNT FB group CAfter passing the CISSP exam and for the purpose of bene ?ting others with the knowledge and experienced I gained during my study term I have summarized the main
CISSP PROCESS GUIDE V CISSP PROCESS GUIDE V made by madunix SNT FB group CAfter passing the CISSP exam and for the purpose of bene ?ting others with the knowledge and experienced I gained during my study term I have summarized the main basic concepts in a general overview I am hoping this consolidation of core concepts and processes would bene ?t those interested in becoming members of the CISSP study group and community The intention of this document is to be supplementary not a replacement for o ?cially published study guides and books I may have added multiple de ?nitions of the same process or procedure due to the varying de ?nitions from di ?erent resources such as the O ?cial CBK Sybex NIST publications SANS papers or the AIO Shon Harris books If you encounter any con icts please refer to the latest O ?cial CISSP CBK Being a CISSP candidate you should fully understand CISSP concepts methodologies and their implementations within the organization Fadi Sodah madunix Cyber Security Responder CFR - Certi ?ed Information Systems Security Professional CISSP - Certi ?ed Information Systems Auditor CISA - IBM Certi ?ed Advanced Technical Expert ICATE - VMWARE certs - Sophos Certs - KEMP Certs - Juniper Certs - Microsoft Certs - Cisco Certs https www linkedin com in madunix https www experts-exchange com members madunix html If you ?nd this document useful and the information valuable please consider making a donation to help defray the costs of the bandwidth and hosting services required to distribute it Every little bit helps To make a contribution please go to https www studynotesandtheory com single-post Donations CISSP PROCESS GUIDE V made by madunix SNT FB group CCorporate Governance Corporate governance is the set of responsibilities and practices exercised by the board and executive management with the goal of providing strategic direction ensuring that objectives are achieved ascertaining that risk is managed appropriately and verifying that the enterprise's resources are used responsibly ? Auditing supply chains ? Board and management structure and process ? Corporate responsibility and compliance ? Financial transparency and information disclosure ? Ownership structure and exercise of control rights areas of focus for IT Governance ? Strategic alignment ? Value delivery ? Resource management ? Risk management ? Performance management Governance vs Management ? Oversight vs Implementation ? Assigning authority vs authorizing actions ? Enacting policy vs enforcing ? Accountability vs responsibility ? Strategic planning vs project planning ? Resource allocation vs resource utilization Note Governance What do we need to accomplish Governance typically focuses on the alignment of internal requirements such as corporate policies business objectives and strategy Management How CISSP PROCESS GUIDE V made by madunix SNT FB group CMain security requirements and their subcomponents ? Network Security ? ? Con ?dentiality ? ? Integrity ? ? Authenticity ? ? Availability ? Identity Management ? ? Authentication ? ? Authorization ? ? Accountability ? ? Revocation ? Privacy ? ? Data Privacy ? ? Anonymity ? ? Pseudonimity
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- Publié le Jul 22, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 206.9kB