Classroom management guide class rules classroom procedures

Classroom Management Guide Class Rules Arrive on time Turn o ? mobile devices No food or drink No cheating or plagiarizing Stay seated until the bell rings for class dismissal Practice formal language Return all class supplies the way you found them Negative Behavior Management Be proactive Surface management strategies a Signaling b Proximity control Self- monitoring intervention a Develop criteria and reinforcements Classroom Arrangement Arrangement supports McLelland's Learned Needs Theory and student-centered learning Group pods seating for - students Open ow through doorway Classroom Procedures Greet students Come to class prepared Turn-in trays Date stamping assignments and homework Entry ticket or warm-up Class supplies Keeping tables and desks clean Positive Reinforcement Positive behavior will be recognized Exemplary behavior will be met with positive consequences Good behavior should be intrinsically motivated C

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  • Publié le Jui 06, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 21kB