Wordly wise book5ocr CWORDLYWISE O O O THIRD EDITION ? tem ic Academic Voc ??lary Developmen I Kenneth Hodkinson Sandra Adams EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SERVICE Cambridge and Toront ? CEditorial Project Manager Kate Moltz Senior Editor Will Tripp Editor Rachel

CWORDLYWISE O O O THIRD EDITION ? tem ic Academic Voc ??lary Developmen I Kenneth Hodkinson Sandra Adams EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SERVICE Cambridge and Toront ? CEditorial Project Manager Kate Moltz Senior Editor Will Tripp Editor Rachel Smith Senior Designer Deborah Rodman Cover Design Michelle Mohnkern Illustration Credits Lessons Q AMedia Photograph Credits Lesson Boris Djuranovic Fot ?iaj Lesson Howard SandlerlFotoliaj Lesson Jim Curran Fotoliaj Lesson Masterf? lej Lesson Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D C USAj Lesson Thomas Kokta Masterf? lej Lesson John Foxxj Lesson Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D C USA Lesson Dwight Smith Fotoliaj Lesson Nathalie Speliers Uferman ?Dreamstimej Lesson Unclesam Fotoliaj Lesson Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D C USAj Lesson Masterf? lej Lesson iStockphotolThinkstockj Lesson HemeralThinkstockj Lesson Martina Berg Fotolia by Educators Publishing Service All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including photocopying without permission in writing from the publisher Printed in Benton Harbor MI in July ISBN - - - - PPG CLesson Friends for Life Lesson When Money Grew on Trees Lesson The Last Dinosaurs Lesson A Di ?cult Journey Review for Lessons - Lesson On Top of the World Lesson The Pen Is MightierThan the Sword Lesson Birds in Tuxedos Lesson The FirstThanksgiving Review for Lessons - Lesson The Sky's the Li mit Lesson With Moses to the Promised Land Lesson O ?You Go into the Wild Blue Yonder Lesson AChild of the Revolution Review for Lessons - Lesson Beware the Silent Crocodile Lesson The Wizard of Menlo Park Lesson When the Earth Quakes Lesson The Last Queen of the Islands Review for Lessons - Lesson A Harvest of Sand Lesson AMouse Is Born Lesson The Lost City Lesson ATale ofTwo Donkeys Review for Lessons - Pronunciation Key CWelcome to Wordly W se You've been learning words since you were a tiny baby At ?rst you learned them only by hearing other people talk Now that you are a reader you have another way to learn words Obviously it important to know what words mean but lots of times we think we can get away without knowing some of them as we read This could cause a problem Say you are reading the directions for a new game You know most ofthe words in the sentence you're reading Then you stop for a word you don't recognize Pleose do not touch the blegmy or your score wil be los t You ask yourself ?? What is a blegmy At ?rst you think Well it ? s only one word ' But then you think ?? What is it that I'm not supposed to touch AII of a sudden knowing what that one word means is important Cl early the more words you know the better your understanding of everything you read Wordly Wise will help you learn a lot of words but it can't teach you the

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  • Publié le Jui 06, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 624.7kB