Dokumen Dear Recruitment Team Let me introduce myself sir ?? I ? am Marie Muhamad Through this letter I want to apply a job as Financial Acc and Tax Support O ?cer I have Good understanding of tax regulations Hold Tax Brevet certi ?cation Capable of work

Dear Recruitment Team Let me introduce myself sir ?? I ? am Marie Muhamad Through this letter I want to apply a job as Financial Acc and Tax Support O ?cer I have Good understanding of tax regulations Hold Tax Brevet certi ?cation Capable of work e ?ectively and able to meet established goals objectives within the speci ?c deadline Good communication presentation and interpersonal skills Working at Chandra is my dream when i was in college Because i live in Cilegon i know how big this company I have experience on tax compliance and make annual tax return project for some company Now i am working as Accountant at Distribution Center of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company PT Sayap Mas Utama Wingsgroup On july i will take USKP certi ?cate Berserti ?kat Konsultan Pajak so i think i have big motivation it will be good for the company to having people like me I am very enthusiastic and look forward to the opportunity of further discussion about my quali ?cation I have submitted my Portfolio certi ?cate and Curriculum vitae for your reference in this ?le I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to the next steps in the hiring process Thank you Best Regards Marie Muhamad C

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  • Publié le Jul 31, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 26.3kB