Esci user guide 1 Emotional and social competency inventory ESCI A user guide for accredited practitioners Prepared by L T direct and the McClelland Center for Research and Innovation Hay Group June ? Hay Group All rights reserved www haygroup com CThe em
Emotional and social competency inventory ESCI A user guide for accredited practitioners Prepared by L T direct and the McClelland Center for Research and Innovation Hay Group June ? Hay Group All rights reserved www haygroup com CThe emotional and social competency inventory ESCI user guide The purpose of this user guide is to provide accredited EI practitioners with background information about the ESCI The guide complements the materials that practitioners receive during their accreditation program and it summarizes relevant statistical analyses and research studies ?? conducted by Boyatzis and others ?? to which practitioners can refer About Hay Group Hay Group is a global management consulting ?rm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality We develop talent organize people to be more e ?ective and motivate them to perform at their best Our focus is on making change happen and helping people and organizations realize their potential We have over employees working in o ?ces in countries Our clients are from the private public and not-for-pro ?t sectors across every major industry For more information please contact your local o ?ce through www haygroup com Accreditation with Hay Group allows coaching and development specialists to deliver expert feedback using our powerful assessments tools It also provides membership of the Hay Group accredited network direct support from our diagnostic processing teams access to Hay Group ? s wide range of learning resources research ?ndings and benchmarking drawn from the data from thousands of managers ESCI user guide www haygroup com CTable of contents What is emotional and social intelligence Development of the ESCI Using the ESCI How the ESCI is scored Delivering ESCI feedback Reliability Validity Norms References ESCI user guide www haygroup com CWhat is emotional and social intelligence Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions e ?ectively in ourselves and others An emotional and social competency is a learned capacity based on emotional intelligence which contributes to e ?ective performance at work The measurement of emotional and social intelligence The emotional and social competency inventory ESCI is a survey designed to assess competencies that di ?erentiate outstanding from average performers The ESCI measures the demonstration of individuals ? behaviors through their perceptions and those of their raters making it distinct from measures of EI that assess ability or personality preferences The emotional and social intelligence competency model The competencies cover four distinct areas of ability AWARENESS SELF Selfawareness OTHERS Social awareness Self-awareness Recognizing and understanding our own emotions captured in the competency Emotional self-awareness Self-management E ?ectively managing our own emotions Emotional self-control Achievement orientation Positive outlook Adaptability ACTIONS Self- Relationship management management Social awareness Recognizing and understanding the emotions of others Empathy Organizational awareness Performance Relationship management Applying our emotional understanding in our dealings with others In uence Coach and mentor Con ict management Inspirational leadership Teamwork ESCI user guide www haygroup com CThe competencies measured by the ESCI Each emotional
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- Publié le Oct 14, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 145.2kB