Rgh24 installation guide 1

Installation guide M- - - -B RGH series readhead EMC compliance The RG encoder system conforms to the relevant harmonised European standards for electromagnetic compatibility as detailed below BS EN - Patents Features of Renishaw ? s encoder systems and similar products are the subjects of the following patents and patent applications EP JP US EP US EP US EP JP US EP JP US EP JP US EP JP US EP US EP B JP US EP JP - US B Further information For further information relating to the installation of RGH readheads see also the RGH Data sheet Part number L- - and the Scale installation guide Part number M- - These can be downloaded from our website www renishaw com encoder and are also available from your local representative This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part or transferred to any other media or language by any means without the written prior permission of Renishaw The publication of material within this document does not imply freedom from the patent rights of Renishaw plc Disclaimer RENISHAW HAS MADE CONSIDERABLE EFFORTS TO ENSURE THE CONTENT OF THIS DOCUMENT IS CORRECT AT THE DATE OF PUBLICATION BUT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE CONTENT RENISHAW EXCLUDES LIABILITY HOWSOEVER ARISING FOR ANY INACCURACIES IN THIS DOCUMENT Storage and handling continued N-heptane CH CH CH Propan- -ol CH CHOHCH Storage and handling Acetone CH COCH Chlorinated Solvents Methylated Spirits C - C System C C System Storage RH Operating RH RGH installation drawing Dimensions and tolerances in mm Arrow indicates forward direction of readhead relative to scale Fixing screws M x x Set-up LED Alternative mounting face - See note Yaw Tol Mounting face A- - Reference mark actuator R Dynamic bend radius R Static bend radius JST connector version ? max Pitch Tol Mounting holes M x through Optical centreline A Reference mark sensor limit switch sensor position A- - Limit switch actuator Extent of mounting faces Roll Tol Detail A Scale surface Readhead Scale thickness Readhead to scale clearance Rideheight Dimensions measured from substrate Required nominal gap can be set using blue readhead spacer supplied positioned between readhead and actuator when positioning ?xing the actuator Readhead mounting installation Mounting brackets The bracket must have a at mounting surface enable conformance to the installation tolerances allow adjustment to the rideheight of the readhead and be su ?ciently sti ? to prevent de ection of the readhead during operation For easier installation adjust the roll and yaw of the bracket with respect to the axis of readhead travel before the RGH is attached This can be done with a clock gauge and a precision square Readhead set-up To set nominal rideheight position readhead spacer with ? L ? shaped aperture under the optical centre of the readhead to allow normal LED function during set-up procedure Ensure that the scale readhead optical window and mounting face are clean and free from obstructions NOTE Ensure readhead ?xing screws

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  • Publié le Jul 03, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 51.5kB