Gmdss guide GMDSS GUIDE www furuno com CGG EE NN EE RR AA LL CC OO NN CC EE PP TT OO FF GG MM DD SS SS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS has been developed by the maritime nations in the International Maritime Organization IMO and is the re

GMDSS GUIDE www furuno com CGG EE NN EE RR AA LL CC OO NN CC EE PP TT OO FF GG MM DD SS SS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS has been developed by the maritime nations in the International Maritime Organization IMO and is the result of their adoption of amendments made in to the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS Based on recent developments in maritime communications such as satellites and digital technology GMDSS is designed to ensure maximum availability of safety-related communication for all passenger ships as well as for cargo vessels of GT and upwards engaged in international voyages The goal of GMDSS is to virtually guarantee that complying vessels will be able to communicate with an onshore station at any time from any location in case of distress or to exchange safety-related information Ships below gross tonnage as well as those that are not engaged in international voyages are subject to the requirements of the administrations of their ag states SEA AREAS GMDSS de ?nes four sea areas based upon the location and capability of onshore-based communication facilities The de ?nition of the Sea Areas for GMDSS is outlined below Please refer to the illustrated layout of the European area indicating the sea areas and coastal stations for quick reference Example European GMDSS SEA AREAS GMDSS Sea Areas Medium Frequency MF High Frequency HF and Very High Frequency VHF Coast Radio Station Medium Frequency MF and Very High Frequency VHF Coast Radio Station Very High Frequency VHF Coast Radio Station Sea Area The radiotelephone coverage of VHF coast stations in which continuous alerting by Digital Selective Calling DSC is available Sea Area The radiotelephone coverage of MF coast stations in which continuous alerting by Digital Selective Calling is available Sea Area The coverage of Inmarsat geostationary satellites Sea Area Area outside A A and A mostly sea area around polar areas CComparison between old distress system and GMDSS Reliance on ships in vicinity Worldwide coverage Because of the inherently limited range of transmission on the distress and calling frequencies of and kHz which were commonly used for that purpose there was a possibility that a call for assistance would not be heard if other vessels and coastal stations were outside the range GMDSS vessels carry the communications equipment appropriate for the Sea Area they are operating and have the means to transmit longrange communication whenever necessary This means that a call for assistance can reach a coastal station and other ships at a far distance Equipment compatibility It was only possible for a vessel in distress to ask other vessels in the vicinity for assistance due to the limited range of communication means Worse the communication incompatibility between a telegraphy vessel and a telephony vessel hindered subsequent Search and Rescue operations Special skill to operate Since all GMDSS vessels carry standardized equipment for the Sea Area and they are operating in the same frequencies the compatibility between the

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  • Publié le Aoû 19, 2021
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  • Taille du fichier 66.5kB