Guide 2023 05 30T062712 018
DISASTER VICTIM IDENTIFICATION GUIDE Chapter ? General Remarks Chapter ? Disaster Management Chapter ? Recovery and Evidence Collection Chapter ? Methods of Identi ?cation Chapter ? AM Data Collection Chapter ? PM Evidence Collection Chapter ? Reconciliation and Identi ?cation Chapter ? Care and Assistance Chapter ? Material and Material Resources general Chapter ? Legal Standards Chapter ? Special Operations I Chapter ? Special Operations II P ? P ? P ? P ?? P ? P ? P ? P ? P P P ? P ? DVI Guide INTERPOL CCHAPTER ? GENERAL REMARKS Foreword The ?rst Interpol Disaster Victim Identi ?cation Guide was published in and revised in The experience gained by the existing international community of DVI Teams Disaster Victim Identi ?cation Teams in various operations has been taken into account in the current version The Guide contains recommendations for the identi ?cation of disaster victims The speci ?c religious and cultural needs and national idiosyncrasies or laws and directives of the Member States must be taken into consideration during an operation but will not be discussed any further in the explanations of the Guide It is also not possible to deal with all conceivable operational scenarios The use of links provides a means of updating the DVI Guide continually thereby eliminating the need for a complete revision of the Guide every ten years Goals The DVI Guide provides guidelines for use by Interpol Member States in the identi ?cation of disaster victims It can serve as a basis for Interpol Member States which do not have their own DVI teams or have never been confronted with such operational situations to set up a DVI Team and to manage DVI operations It also provides important supplemental information for Interpol Member States which have DVI teams of their own See also The most important requirement for victim identi ?cation work is the Assessment form application of international standards which are the common basis for the work in multinational DVI operations Guidelines for the identi ?cation of disaster victims All measures are designed to contribute to the positive identi ?cation of victims The highest possible quality standards must be applied It is also essential to respond to relatives ? need for certainty as soon as possible Victims are to be treated with dignity and respect DVI teams work in an interdisciplinary manner and engage the services of experts in various di ?erent ?elds as needed In order to establish maintain and review standards and promote e ?ective international co ? operation Interpol calls upon each Member State to make preparations for DVI operations If a disaster occurs in a country which does not have its own DVI team support by other DVI teams can be requested through Interpol Experience has shown that cooperation with other DVI teams is advantageous when disaster victims of di ?erent nationalities are to be expected If there are victims from other nations the nation in charge should do its utmost to secure participation from
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- Publié le Jan 25, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 203.8kB