London housing design guide
London Housing Design Guide ? Draft for Consultation London Housing Design Guide ?? Draft for Consultation July London Development Agency July Published by London Development Agency Palestra Blackfriars Road London SE AA www lda gov uk enquiries text phone Photographs ? Tim Crocker Copies of this report are available from www lda gov uk Printed on Corona O ?set recycled paper Contents ?? Forew ord Introd uctio n Using the Guide Consultation and Next Steps Shaping Good Places De ?ning Places Outdoor Spaces Housing for a Diverse City Appropriate Density Residential Mix Mix Of Uses From Street to Front Door Entrance and Approach Shared Circulation Car Parking Cycle Storage Refuse and Services Dwelling Space Standards Internal Floor Area Layout and Adaptability Circulation in the Home Living Dining Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom Storage and Utility Spaces Study and Work Wheelchair User Dwellings Private Open Space Home as a Place of Retreat Privacy Dual Aspect Noise Floor to Ceiling Heights Daylight and Sunlight Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Environmental Performance Energy CO Water Materials Ecology Other Considerations Design Process Introduction Being a Good Client Brief Writing Procurement Risk Monitoring and Evaluation Post-occupancy Management Appendices Space Standards Study Furniture Schedule De ?nitions References Foreword ?? The ?nest city in the world deserves the ?nest housing In building London ? s future we re ect on a past which has already created some of the best buildings and urban spaces to be found in the world We also more recently have experience of some less inspiring examples particularly in the design of housing with space sacri ?ced to unit numbers and inappropriate densities and family needs not being met New homes in London are some of the smallest in Western Europe and to continue to build cramped ? hobbit homes ? is indefensible Understanding the foundations of both London ? s design achievements and its failures must be the basis of any attempt to renew the capital ? s traditions of design excellence - and to ensure that we create homes where people want to live and in which they and their families can ourish now and in the longer term My draft London Housing Strategy has at its heart not simply an increase in the supply and range of homes for Londoners but equally the promotion of excellence in design quality and sustainability The publication of the draft London Housing Design Guide underpins that commitment and will help to make a reality of it I believe it is right to expect higher housing standards for taxpayers' money especially as allowing design mistakes today would inevitably burden the public purse tomorrow Above all this guide should be read as a statement of intent ?? that the purpose is not to ? deliver housing units ? but to provide homes homes that are ?t for this most dynamic of cities and that can also create places of retreat from it so that urbanity and domestic life are in balance I am determined to deliver the highest
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- Publié le Fev 18, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 191.4kB