M 392 en mandate to cenelec in the field of the low voltage directive 73 23 ec
EUROPEAN COMMISSION ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY DIRECTORATE- GENERAL Aerospace security defence and equipment Mechanical and electrical equipment Brussels th October M EN Mandate to CENELEC in the ?eld of the Low Voltage Directive EC Title Standardisation Mandate under the Low Voltage Directive EEC LVD addressed to the European Standards Body CENELEC for the revision of relevant safety standards for electrical household appliances with respect to the safety of children older people and people with disabilities Purpose To review the European standard series EN and amend where relevant part and parts with respect to reasonably foreseeable situations where children older people and people with disabilities com e into contact with electrical household appliances Rationale The Low Voltage Directive LVD requires that all products pl aced on the market do ?? ? not endanger the safety of persons ? when properly installed and maintained and used in applications for which it was made ? art Directive EEC However EN Part used where necessary together with the relevant part to support the LVD contains the clause that the standard ??does not in general take into account the use of appliances by children and in ?rm people without supervision ? CENELEC has elaborated European Standards for the safety of many types of electrical equipment In these standards the consideration of the needs of children older people and people with disabilities has already been taken into account to di ?erent extents including some cases where there is no limitation in scope e g EN - - ??service machines and amusement machines ? Responsible person David Eardley david eardley ec europa eu Commission européenne B- Bruxelles Europese Commissie B- Brussel - Belgium Telephone - O ?ce Telephone direct line - Fax - CThere is growing recognition a number of safety standards for electrical household appliances do not fully address the needs of children or olde r and or disabled people It is commonly accepted that elderly populations are growing in size in many parts of the world and that increasingly products and services will need to be designed with them in mind The gradual loss of vision exibility and coordination that elderly people experience can make certain models of household appliances unsafe in use The EN series of standard was written in the social and educational context where it was taken for granted that children and ??in ?rm peop le ? did not use the products covered by its scope without supervision However nowadays it can be expected that domestic appliances are being used by children older people and people with disabilities even without supervision It is therefore desirable to evaluate safety standards for electrical household appliances in order to more satisfactorily address this situation This work would be carried out with a view to harmonise the approach to safety for children older people and people with disabilities in all relevant European harmonised standards providing a presumption of conformity for household electrical appliances to the LVD This can only be completed if part and where relevant parts
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- Publié le Aoû 17, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
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