Msu tcto vision and mission a research university renowned for fisheries marine and environmental science

MSU-TCTO Vision and Mission Vision A research university renowned for Fisheries Marine and Environmental Science and allied disciplines Mission Under its Charter of RA MSU-TCTO is mandated to extend to the Muslims and other cultural minority groups the opportunities of college education and develop such other programs as will promote Muslim welfare and hasten the economic development of the southernmost region of the Philippines The college shall also develop academic programs for exploration and conservation of the ?sheries resources in the Sulu Seas and nearby waters undertake researches in ?sh processing and culture and in oceanography for increased understanding of the country's territorial waters and adopt other programs and projects as may be necessary to promote the social and economic development of the people CIAS -BSTA AND ABIS Department Goals and Objectives GOALS OBJECTIVES To develop the academic To provide academic programs through interactive institution for excellence in education on Islamic values and jurisprudence for Islamic education of peace moral and socio-economic development of Muslims and justice and in moral towards attaining peace and prosperity of the transformation of people for community the general welfare and To cater and develop special community outreach prosperity of the community programs in enhancing leadership capacity of Ummah Muslims for good governance and promoting Halal industry in the Region To attain excellence in To increase the number of faculty with Instruction on Islamic Masters Doctorates in Shar ? iah or Islamic Studies or Studies and Shari ? ah PhDs To enhance institutional structures and framework that will promote teaching research and extension of programs To expand and develop academic facilities To promote the academic institution as center for peace education Islamic leadership and management Cdevelopment program and halal industry information To provide opportunities for more peaceful dialogues and engagements for con ict resolution To provide opportunities for faculty and students of CIAS as global citizens for universal peace and humanity To have excellence in To develop and enhance research study academic research initiatives and scholarship and technical creativity extension services Course Guide Course Number and Title Course Description BAH ?? INTRODUCTION TO MALAY LANGUAGE Course Overview A Introduction This course aims to train students to communicate in Malay Language used in daily life situations Students are introduced to speaking and writing in Malay at the basic level Teaching and learning are conducted through modules activities audio records videos and student learning experiences within and outside the classroom At completion of this course students are expected to communicate and writing essays e ?ectively using simple sentences in Malay CB Learning tips Do Give yourself time for what you have studied to become part of your repertoire A language is not a series of facts it is a skill and habit that needs to be learnt Practice makes it habit Master one lesson in its entirety before moving on and still keep revising it to keep the language fresh in your mind For each new lesson you progress onto it is a good idea to back

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  • Publié le Jan 02, 2023
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 36.1kB