Optimist tuning guide optimist tuning guide prepare to perform Oppie Tuning Tuning the oppie is very subjective it is tailored to the individual sailor their weight strength style of sailing against the factors of sea state wind speed equipment and I even

optimist tuning guide prepare to perform Oppie Tuning Tuning the oppie is very subjective it is tailored to the individual sailor their weight strength style of sailing against the factors of sea state wind speed equipment and I even take into account the child ? s mood I know this sounds like a daunting black art but I can give you some very precise tips to mix with your own experience and experimentation is a very thrilling part of coaching this technical dinghy The tuning tips in this guide are meant for children to perform and for parents to provide the guidance allowing the sailor to develop their own tuning skills Tip Tune with critical passion You have a phenomenal engine that needs to be adjusted for speed millimetre di ?erences make huge changes to sail shape and rig performance Learn to take time and patience tuning your rig be very critical it will put you in a league of your own and you will out perform most of your competitors The sail is a beautifully cut piece of cloth that must be kept in its shape for maximum performance and you will notice if you lay the sail on the oor the front edge the lu ? is far from straight The biggest problem we have tuning the oppie rig is how to put a curved sail on a straight mast a mast that will bend depending on the wind and a sailor ? s weight and strength All of the sail adjustment points can be altered on the water but it is much easier to do it on the beach anticipating the conditions we are going to experience once we ? ve launched Class Rule The maximum distance between the sail and spars at attachment points is mm ?? the width of your little ?nger Optimist Tuning Guide - Grogs UAE race coach Page CTip Most of our tuning e ?ort should be focused on the lu ? of the sail and how it lies against the mast On the boom the ties once set can be left and just checked occasionally to make sure they are not coming undone Also the Throat Check once correctly adjusted for sail height at the rigging stage can be left and only periodically inspected for cha ? and wear See rigging section to explain the names of the sail and strings Optimist Tuning Guide - Grogs UAE race coach Page Coptimist tuning guide prepare to perform Curved Sail - Straight Mast maximum distance between the sail and spars at attachment points is mm Thr o at - m m - m m - m m Sail T ie s mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Fo ot - m m Light Wind no mast bend - m m Mediu m Wind some mast bend - m m Strong Wi n d lots of mast bend Here are some tuning

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  • Publié le Jui 21, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 42.9kB