System description design guide
PROCESS TECHNOLOGY PROCEDURES DEPARTMENT PROCESS ENGINEEIRNG SUBJECT SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS DESIGN GUIDE PROCEDURE NO PTD-DGS - PAGE OF PREPARED BY Edited from existing doc by J R Barnhart APPROVED BY JRB REVISION DATE DATE April REV SCOPE This Design Guide de ?nes the process design documents used in the development of System Descriptions RESPONSIBILITY The process engineer prepares the system description when required not all projects or client require this document GENERAL The System Descriptions PI Ds and One Line Diagrams are used to communicate to the project personnel the Client and the plant operating sta ? the characteristics of the system its operation and other features DEFINITIONS The following is a list of the discrete documents which may be used to present process and design data The documents that are optional should be prepared only at the request of the Client and the Project Manager Control Logic Diagram This diagram de ?nes the manual and automatic control system provided for a system or item of equipment in terms of logic symbols The control logic diagrams provided may initially be generated by Parsons or by the control system vendor based on Parsons speci ?cation requirements or Parsons supplied system logic description It should show all permissive sequential and protective features to be provided in the design for the protection of operating systems and the starting monitoring and tripping of plant equipment The diagram must be based on information in the related System Description It should be prepared with applicable input from the Responsible Engineer together with engineering judgment and standard practice for the equipment concerned One Line Diagram A diagram which indicates by means of single lines and simpli ?ed symbols the arrangement and component devices or parts of an electric power system CPiping Instrument Diagram P ID A diagram which typically shows all ow paths equipment piping valves specialty items expansion joints strainers traps etc and instrumentation for a give system The P ID provides the basis for physical design of the system Process Flow Diagram The Process Flow Diagram is a fundamental diagram conveying the basic pictorial de ?nition of the process including the active and passive elements of the system the respective ow paths and the primary control elements System Description A System Description is a narrative description of the design criteria functions components and operation of a mechanical electrical or control system or process within a plant System Descriptions are used for the following purposes ? As a vehicle for the review and approval of the system design ? As a reference for the detailed design of the system ? As a tool in check-out start-up and commissioning of the system ? As a guide for operation and maintenance of the system RESPONSIBILITIES Project Manager The Project Manager PM determines which documents are to be prepared for the project Lead Process Engineer The responsible Lead Process Engineer initiates the list of systems and System Descriptions to be developed He either prepares the System Description or selects the
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- Publié le Sep 14, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 31.7kB