Wedding cake guide Piqsbury ? s Wedding Cake Guide ?? forward Whether you are baking your ?rst wedding cake or are a professional baker Pillsbury can help you make your celebration a success By using Pillsbury Cake Mix you will get a ?ne-textured ?rm cake

Piqsbury ? s Wedding Cake Guide ?? forward Whether you are baking your ?rst wedding cake or are a professional baker Pillsbury can help you make your celebration a success By using Pillsbury Cake Mix you will get a ?ne-textured ?rm cake that is melt-in-your mouth moist and ideal to cut and serve Over the years at the Pillsbury Test Kitchens we have collected a wealth of information on how to bake the perfect wedding cake In this booklet we have compiled the most useful tips we hope you enjoy them Table of Contents page Getting Started page Wedding Cake Recipe page Cake Baking Tips ? page page Adding a Signature Touch page Frosting the Cake page Frosting and Assembly Tips page How to Cut Getting Started page ? Determine the design of your cake by choosing the number of tiers you prefer Use the chart below to determine the size of each layer If the bride and groom would like the top tier of the cake to celebrate at a later date do not include it in the number of servings ? Approximate Number of Servings Between Sides Size of Tiers Layers Top -inch round tier servings -inch round tier servings -inch round tier servings -inch round tier servings -inch round tier servings -inch round tier servings x x -inch sheet cake servings x x -inch sheet cake servings Wedding Cake recipe pkg Pillsbury Moist Supreme White Cake Mix ? cups water ? cup oil non-stick cooking sprays margarine or butter should not be used egg whites Heat oven to F Generously grease -inch deep wedding cake pans using solid shortening Lightly our pans Mix cake ingredients according to package directions Fill greased and oured cake pans full using batter amounts listed below Never ?ll the pans more than full or the cake will have a heavy texture For slightly thinner layers ?ll the pans about ? full Batter will be thick Do not add water to thin out batter If more volume is desired add more batter to the pan One package of mix yields cups cake batter When calculating number of packages required remember that each tier of the cake is made up of layers Pan Cake Bake Size Batter Times -inch round cups - min -inch round cups - min -inch round cups - min -inch round cups - min -inch round cups - min -inch round cups - min x x -inch sheet cake cups - min x x -inch sheet cake cups - min Bake at F using bake times listed above or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean Cool cake layers in pans minutes on wire rack Carefully remove cakes from pans Cool completely with top sides up on wire racks ? page Cake Baking Tips page ? We recommend baking our wedding cakes at the low oven temperature of F This helps cakes bake more evenly A highoven temperature will cause cakes to become rounded and crack ?? Preheat the

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  • Publié le Oct 30, 2021
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  • Taille du fichier 52.9kB