Wine user guide Wine User Guide CWine User Guide CTable of Contents Introduction Overview About What is Wine Versions of Wine Alternatives to Wine you might want to consider Getting Wine Wine Installation Methods Installing Wine from a package Installing
Wine User Guide CWine User Guide CTable of Contents Introduction Overview About What is Wine Versions of Wine Alternatives to Wine you might want to consider Getting Wine Wine Installation Methods Installing Wine from a package Installing Wine from source Con ?guring Wine Using Winecfg Using the Registry and Regedit Other Things to Con ?gure Running Wine Basic usage applications and control panel applets How to run Wine Explorer-like graphical Wine environments Wine Command Line Options Environment variables wineserver Command Line Options Setting Windows DOS environment variables Text mode programs CUI Console User Interface Troubleshooting Reporting bugs What to do if some program still doesn ? t work How To Report A Bug Glossary iii CChapter Introduction Overview About Purpose of this document and intended audience This document called the Wine User Guide is both an easy installation guide and an extensive reference guide This guide is for both the new Wine user and the experienced Wine user o ?ering full step-by- step installation and con ?guration instructions as well as featuring extensive reference material by documenting all con ?guration features and support areas Further questions and comments If after examining this guide the FAQ and other relevant documentation there is still something you cannot ?gure out we would love to hear from you The mailing lists http www winehq org site forums section contains several mailing lists and an IRC channel all of which are great places to seek help and o ?er suggestions If you are particularly savvy and believe that something can be explained better you can ?le a bug report http bugs winehq org or post a patch http www winehq org site sending patches on Wine ? s documentation itself Content overview Steps to take In order to be able to use Wine you must ?rst have a working installation This guide will help you to move your system from an empty Wineless void to one boasting a fresh up to date Wine install The ?rst step Getting Wine illustrates the various methods of getting Wine ? s ?les onto your computer The second step Con ?guring Wine shows how to customize a Wine installation depending on your individual needs The ?nal step Running Wine covers the speci ?c steps you can take to get a particular application to run better under Wine and provides useful links in case you need further help Quick start The process of installing and running wine can be summarised as follows ? Get a distribution as indicated in Getting Wine and see the Wine Downloads http www winehq org site download page For the casual or new user the simplest is to get an rpm distribution ? Con ?gure wine using the winecfg command For most people wine should now be usable ? To test your installation run wine ? s Windows like ?le manager using the wine wine ?le command ? Run wine using the wine ?lespec appname exe command The ?rst command you will run will be
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Sep 09, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 145.1kB