Anticipation guide 8 What is Anticipation Guide An Anticipation Guide is a strategy that is used before reading to activate students' prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic Before reading a selection students respond to several statements t

What is Anticipation Guide An Anticipation Guide is a strategy that is used before reading to activate students' prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic Before reading a selection students respond to several statements that challenge or support their preconceived ideas about key concepts in the text Using this strategy stimulates students' interest in a topic and sets a purpose for reading Anticipation guides can be revisited after reading to evaluate how well students understood the material and to correct any misconceptions Purpose of the strategy ? Help students to activate their prior knowledge and experience and think about the ideas they will be reading ? Encourage students to make a personal connection with a topic or unit of work so that they can integrate new knowledge with their background experience and prior knowledge ? It connects students ? personal knowledge and experience with a curriculum topic or issue ? It is used to engage with topics themes and issues at students ? current level of understanding ? Gives the children a purpose for reading subject-area text ? Help students to become familiar and comfortable with a topic before reading unfamiliar text CStep-by-step approach of the strategy Step ??Teacher-directed whole-group instruction minutes ? Explain the strategy Explain to students what previewing means i e setting a purpose for reading Show students the Anticipation Guide for Teammates and explain how it is used Show students the cover of Teammates and ask them what they notice e g men in baseball caps one black man and one white man Ask students what they know about having teammates ? Demonstrate the strategy Read statement in the ?rst column of the Anticipation Guide for Teammates aloud and ?ll in the second column marked Agree Disagree Then read the ?rst two pages of Teammates and demonstrate how to complete the last three columns of the anticipation guide for statement Be sure to think aloud while modeling so that students can hear and understand your thought process ? Guide students to apply the strategy As a whole class have students mark whether they agree or disagree with statements ?? on the anticipation guide column two only Encourage student discussion ? Practice individually or in small groups Have students work with the person next to them to decide whether they agree or disagree with statements ?? on the anticipation guide column two only Then read Teammates aloud and complete the last three columns for statements ?? together as a class Students can pair o ? with the same partner to complete the last three columns for statements ?? ? Re ect Lead a short discussion with students about how the anticipation guide helped them to better understand the text Step ??Teacher-guided small groups and student-facilitated independent practice Before beginning Stage students must be divided into three instructional-level groups Students with similar instructional needs should be grouped together This does not necessarily mean that students in each group are on the same reading level Instead they

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