Bob practitioners guide THE BUSINESS OF BELIEF Practitioners Guide Based on the writings of Tom Asacker Copyright ? Tom Asacker All Rights Reserved CTHE BUSINESS OF BELIEF Practitioners Guide Perceptual barriers Most people's informational needs are relat
THE BUSINESS OF BELIEF Practitioners Guide Based on the writings of Tom Asacker Copyright ? Tom Asacker All Rights Reserved CTHE BUSINESS OF BELIEF Practitioners Guide Perceptual barriers Most people's informational needs are relatively straightforward a what is it b why should I care and take action c why should I believe you Visions missions unique selling propositions and so on are prepared usually at great expense to answer these very questions The problem is they don't So the questions go unanswered and people remain unmoved There are three self- imposed perceptual barriers to unlocking people ?s hearts and minds and creating belief We simply need people to be aware of and understand our unique value They ?ll be interested in us and what we have to o ?er and They ?ll believe what we have to say Unfortunately those days are long gone People today are overwhelmed with choice easily distracted and highly skeptical In order to create belief and motivate behavior change you must appeal strategically and creatively to their three ??minds ? or modes of thought The three minds The feeling mind ??Sometimes referred to as System the feeling mind is rapid instinctive and driven by our perceptions It screens out for the thinking mind anything that is not immediately important It ?s looking for trouble It wants to be stimulated and protected The thinking mind ??Also known as System the thinking mind is conscious deliberate and highly skeptical It ?s interested in itself It wants to feel good about its decisions and associations It ?s looking for relevance and inconsistencies It wants to be right The believing mind ??The believing mind is a strange and powerful mixture of feeling and thinking It wants to identify with someone or something It understands life by creating cause-and-e ?ect stories And it cares ?rst and foremost about itself ??what ?s happening in its environment and why how it appears to others and to itself and whether or not it ?s safe and in control The three steps There are three progressive steps to unlocking hearts and minds and creating belief Engagement ??Where you arouse people ?s feelings engage their conscious attention and point them in the direction of value Interest ?? Where you validate their existing beliefs feed their hungers and enhance their sense of self and Belief ??Where you come alive in their imaginations and convey purpose through actions and through others Copyright ? Tom Asacker All Rights Reserved CTHE BUSINESS OF BELIEF Practitioners Guide Step Engagement Unexpected - Make them stop and think The brain is a lazy piece of meat that conserves energy by making predictions about the future based on past experiences To be discovered by the brain you must be di ?erent than what it expects You must be unpredictable Creativity is what exposes unpredictable brands to discovery Expressive - Charm rather than inform People make their own meaning based on what they see and feel not on what you say So focus ?rst
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Aoû 12, 2021
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 59.2kB