Discussion guide Reading Frederick Douglass in the Era of Barack Obama Discussion Guide The Meaning of the Fourth of July speech discussion Download this guide or click on the printer friendly link above including more in-depth discussion questions Why qu

Reading Frederick Douglass in the Era of Barack Obama Discussion Guide The Meaning of the Fourth of July speech discussion Download this guide or click on the printer friendly link above including more in-depth discussion questions Why questions do not work in discussion and lead to speculation and grandstanding Use questions that lead people to the text and how it works do very well example what does Douglass try to achieve when he says How questions work well example how does Douglass convince his audience of The other W questions work also where when what -- especially as they point to the speech o What according to Douglass is wrong with s America o What does this speech tell us about today's United States o What other speech or writing would you compare to this The Meaning of the Fourth of July topic questions What is the rhetorical question in his speech What did the audience expect of Douglass Why was it essential for Douglass to argue that he was a man better what is a man in Douglass ? speech how does Douglass argue that he is a man does he need to What are the implications of his words in today How did the s advance the war Have we moved forward as a country What is citizenship Why this speech and why now ??The Meaning of the Fourth of July ? other discussion suggestions What parts of the speech do you ?nd particularly powerful and why If Douglass were alive today what might he be working on Who was Douglass ? audience Did the audience expect this speech Are speeches important in society What do they do How do they work Discussion leader empowerment www masshumanities org CReading Frederick Douglass in the Era of Barack Obama Discussion Guide Tips for Touchy Topics You are the leader -- except in very small groups leaderless discussion turns into the perpetration of serial statements -- not enlightening Think about the speech beforehand and choose or topics you want to ??cover ? Steer the discussion with one or more of the following methods There is no absolute right to taking turns Ask people react to the previous speaker when you think the topic is fruitful Get the group to help you with this by shutting down the ?rst person who violates the rule Once done with a topic call upon someone who had a hand up previously Put up a sheet in the back of the room where people can write down their unmet issues so you can dip into it Clearly this does not work outside No not all opinions are created equal some lead to discussion and some close o ? discussion You need the former Set an allotted time per speaker seconds is usual Shut down the ?rst person who goes over time If you even let one go the discussion is in trouble If you do it a couple of times the group will help you Discussion

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