Gazette d x27 aliahova6 L A G A Z E T T E D ? A L I A H O V A En tout henryen ? N juin Thèse Vincent Ssekate An anthropological re ection on a human Person as a living Self based on the Philosophy of Michel Henry Roma Ponti ?cia Università San Tommaso d ?

L A G A Z E T T E D ? A L I A H O V A En tout henryen ? N juin Thèse Vincent Ssekate An anthropological re ection on a human Person as a living Self based on the Philosophy of Michel Henry Roma Ponti ?cia Università San Tommaso d ? Aquino Ouvrages en langues étrangères consacrés en tout ou partie à Michel Henry Veronika Darida M vészettapasztalatok fenomenológiai megk? zelítések Budapest L ? Harmattan Carlos Arboleda Mora Profundidad y cultura del concepto de Dios a la experiencia de Dios Universidad Ponti ?cia Bolivariana Colombia Articles et contributions consacrés à Michel Henry Kuan- min Huang The Bodily Subjectivity in the Touching Merleau-Ponty and Michel Henry NTU Humanitas ta? wanica n Izumi Suzuki Immanence a ?ectivité et vie essai sur la philosophie de Michel Henry Tokyo Manabu Journal of Family studies n Sébastien Laoureux A ?ectivité spectralité et historicité à propos du débat entre Henry et Derrida in A ?ectivité imaginaire création sociale sous la dir de R Gély et L Van Eynde Bruxelles Facultés universitaires Saint Louis CE Fa? L Introna F R Puyou Living with numbers Accounting for subjectivity in with management accounting systems Information and Organization n Abstract The disembodying and disembedding of work through systems of abstraction such as management accounting systems were fundamental to the establishment of regimes of management that act not directly and immediately on others but instead acts upon their actions ??i e the establishment of management as a regime of governmentality Time-space distanciation through abstraction such as numbers and electronic mediation has radically transformed the way organisational actors interrelate and make sense of their everyday organisational lives This paper argues and shows that phenomenology in particular the work of Michel Henry can help us understand how actors live their lives in and through the simultaneity of systems of abstraction and their a ?ective embodied and situated living praxis The paper presents a case study of how di ?erent organisational actors managers and controllers make sense of and live with the numbers in a management accounting system ?? numbers that a ?ect them quite profoundly The analysis of the case shows that all interpretation sense-making and argumentation of and with the numbers are rendered possible through re-embodiment Such a re- embodiment in turn require as necessary a prior reference to their subjective a ?ective life ??their own living praxis If this is the case as we hope our research shows then subjective a ?ective life should not be subjugated by the formal rational discourse of management but should rather be seen for what it is ??the very source of meaning that is the condition of possibility for abstraction and mediation to be possible at all The paper concludes with some implications of Henry ? s phenomenology of life for organisations and management research Jad Hatem Phénoménologie de l ? ipséité Sahrawardi et Henry sur le site europhilosophie eu mundus IMG pdf jad-hatem- henry pdf Colloques et rencontres -- Cerisy

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