Glossary of terms used in terminology 1

Glossary of terms used in terminology BRUNO DE BESSÉ BLAISE NKWENTI-AZEH AND JUAN C SAGER This glossary is intended to demonstrate sound principles of compilation without being excessively rigid or elaborate The following guidelines were established before compilation and the formulation of de ?nitions Guidelines for compilation Corpus and criteria for selection The terms selected are those found necessary by the authors for the teaching of their introductory courses in terminology as available from their coursebooks or lecture notes illustrative material and handouts to students In particular this means that the glossary contains both speci ?c concepts and their abstractions or the general phenomena required for their understanding Scope This glossary takes a broad view of terminology to include neighbouring domains of relevance to students of terminology General subject ?eld terminology Sub ?elds theory of terminology terminography terminological data banks elements of a terminological record Terms from related ?elds selected terms from lexicography linguistics translation and documentation Terminology - DOI term bes ISSN - E-ISSN - ? John Benjamins Publishing Company C BRUNO DE BESSÉ BLAISE NKWENTI-AZEH AND JUAN C SAGER Methodology Term forms The most commonly occurring term is chosen as headword and recorded in its canonical form Rules for de ?nitions De ?ne analytically by referring the term to the immediate superordinate concept and then synthetically by listing di ?erenciating features De ?ne in a single sentence further information of an explanatory nature is to be presented in brackets De ?ne abstract concepts with reference to speci ?c concepts if possible Use comparable introductory formulae for the same type of concept e g X is a property a process a relation De ?ne concepts and not terms This means that a de ?nition cannot read is said of De ?ne nouns by means of nouns etc Be consistent in exempli ?cation Be consistent in the use of explanatory notes Use an introductory phrase to identify concepts borrowed from other domains e g In documentation In translation In lexicography Indicate inessential elements inside a de ?nition by using Examples Examples are only given where they appear to be useful Conventions Synonyms and variants are given after the entry term separated by a slash See also references point to related terms and antonyms See references are indicated by an arrow The headwords of this glossary with the exception of term and word occurring in the de ?nitions are marked in bold characters Note The Spanish terms in this glossary have been veri ?ed by Professor Teresa Cabré of the Universidad Pompeu Fabra Barcelona CG ? ? ? ? T ? ? ? U ? ? T ? ? ? ? Glossary A en abbreviation fr abréviation f es abreviatura f def A reduced form of a term or word which is produced by the omission of some of its letters en fr es def Note acceptability reliability ?abilité f ?abilidad f The degree of usability of a term Reliability can be established on two levels monolingually by attestation in one

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