Reproductive health to sexual rights
See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication From Reproductive Health to Sexual Rights Achievements and Future Challenges Article in Reproductive Health Matters November DOI S - - CITATIONS author Sonia Corrêa Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE READS Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects Gender Politic in Latin America View project All content following this page was uploaded by Sonia Corrêa on October The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded ?le CSonia Corr a This paper aims to map recent changes in discourse on sexuality and reproduction and identify new conceptual perspectives on gender and sexuality First it examines the etymology ofrecently legitimised concepts -reproductive rights sexual health and sexual rights - which are related to but separate from the concept of reproductive health Second it considers the status and meaning of these terms vis- W ? S an agenda for social transformation Lastly it focuses on new conceptualisations of gender and sexuality and analyses whether it is possible to distinguish between these two concepts Away of life is ageing This change can be as radical but also as gradual as the tran- sition from medieval to modern society This state of transition makes certain ways of thinking both possible and necessary while excluding others ? l First words Two premises have inspired this article The ?rst is that the language of reproductive health gender and sexuality - language that until recently was used almost exclusively in the academic milieu and within social movements - has undergone a process of legitimisation One illustration of this is the fact that this language has been included in the programmes of action of the International Conference on Population and Development Cairo the Fourth World Conference on Women Beijing and the World Summit for Social Development Copenhagen This process has been uneven however While the words themselves have become common in international texts and analyses the extent of assimilation of their meanings by national political bodies and in people ? s minds varies widely across countries Thus it continues to be necessary for feminists to disseminate information about these concepts as broadly as possible among policymakers legislators and society itself Clari ?cation of the meanings of these terms continues to be required since the process of legitimisation may lead to simpli ?cations and distortions in the course of policy development and application The second premise emerges from the awareness that the theoretical links between reproductive health gender and sexuality constitute a complex and unstable fabric It remains a matter of discussion whether ? reproductive health ? is a concept a ?eld or simply a research approach or all three of these and more ? Gender ? has de ?nitely been established as a category of social analysis yet in practice it inspires di ?erentiated even contradictory usages The status of ? sexuality ? is even more complex as its application ranges from the
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- Publié le Aoû 10, 2021
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 79.5kB