Sek 2 doorslaer risking conceptual maps
Risking conceptual maps Mapping as a keywords-related tool underlying the online Translation Studies Bibliography Luc van Doorslaer Lessius University College Antwerp CETRA University of Leuven The Holmes Toury map is a monument in Translation Studies It is often referred to but only very few attempts have been made to complement it let alone to draw completely new maps of the discipline especially after the simplicity of relationships suggested by maps was severely denounced by Anthony Pym Nevertheless in the last years a new conceptual map has gradually been developed as an underlying tool for the online Translation Studies Bibliography This TSB map has an open and descriptive character and tries to bring an added value to the conceptualization and the interrelationships between concepts that are often used ambiguously or even in an idiosyncratic way This contribution describes the development and construction of that new map and concludes by calling for criticism changes and additions Keywords bibliography mapping Translation Studies transfer Making bibliographies on translation and Translation Studies The scope of such an undertaking raises a number of problems even if it were to be con ?ned to the chief languages of Europe Indeed the sources likely to provide useful information for such a history are so numerous and so varied that one can hardly imagine the amount of research it would involve ? Admittedly the undertaking is a tremendous one Van Hoof VI When representatives of EST the European Society for Translation Studies CETRA the Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Leuven Lessius University College Antwerp and John Benjamins the publisher started talks about a new online Translation Studies Bibliography in they all were aware of the risks and pitfalls inevitably linked to such an undertaking as already Target ?? issn ?? e-issn ?? ? John Benjamins Publishing Company C Luc van Doorslaer described in the above quote from the early seventies about a project involving a general history and bibliography of translation Making research bibliographies is always based on the need to systematize existing but often fragmented knowledge in a given area Already at the very beginning of its history Translation Studies apparently felt an urgent need for a systematizing tool even in a phase where its knowledge was not yet as widespread as it is today Eugene Nida ? s Toward a science of translating is generally considered to contain the ?rst ? bibliography ? even if it is mainly an extended list of references appended to a monograph Nonetheless Nida explicitly introduces a bibliography as a tool ??not only to provide the reader with data on the scores of books and articles cited in the text ? but also as ??a wide selection of source materials dealing with many distinct but ultimately related phases of translating ? p Some of the sources mentioned by Nida are related to linguistic structure psychology anthropology information theory machine translation theology stylistics and literary criticism illustrating that an awareness of the interdisciplinary or at least the multidisciplinary nature of
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- Publié le Aoû 19, 2021
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 73.4kB