la societe civile au maroc pdf 1

EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO EUROPEO ROBERT SCHUMAN CENTRE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES Fourth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting Florence ?? Montecatini Terme ?? March Quarto Convegno di Studi Socio-politici sul Mediterraneo Firenze ?? Montecatini Terme ?? marzo La société civile au Maroc signi ?cation et issues des processus de changement sociale et politique Paola Gandol ? CESD- Università Ca ? Foscari ??Venezia Workshop Change of Regime Change in Regime The Dynamics of Liberalization and Democratization in the Middle East and North Africa ?Paola Gandol ? All rights reserved For any query or information please contact the author s Author E-Mail Address gandol ? unive it No part of this paper may be distributed quoted or reproduced in any form without permission by the author s For authorized quotation s please acknowledge the Mediterranean Programme as follows ??Paper presented at the Fourth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting Florence Montecatini Terme ?? March organised by the Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute ? CAbstract Civil Society in Morocco Meaning and Issues of Social and Political Change Processes After the beginning of the so called ??gouvernment d ? alternance ? and especially after the change of the sovereign many scholars and intellectuals talk about a Morocco ??in transition ? Whom does this transition concerns Could we talk about a transition to democracy Our research try to go back to the meaning of the so-called ??democratization processes ? in the Arab world taking into account the historical and political context which has led to them and it means to identify as fare as Morocco is concerned the impact of certain measures of ??democratisation ? deliberated by the ??top ? Within this framework our ?eld work postulate the importance of other change processes such as the ones realized by the civil society We focus on the contemporary civil society in Morocco and on the dynamism of certain associations and the impact of their actions on the social framework Besides we ask what is the sense of ??governance ? ??local democracy ? ??processes of political and social participation ? in all that Could these concepts be an alternative to the governmental and institutional praxis Could we talk about changes inside the civil society and changes from the ??bottom ? rather than changes from the ??top ? Trying to answer to these questions we keep in mind the reality of associations movements in the Maghreb region but also in the international context and we postulate a consolidation of the ??bottom ? also by a fruitful ?? from bottom-to bottom exchange ? WS ?? Page of - Gandol ? CLa société civile au Maroc signi ?cation et issues des processus de changement social et politique Cet article se base sur une étude concernant les processus de changement social et politique au Maroc A cours de notre travail de terrain nous avons rencontré des représentants de la société civile marocaine qui nous ont donné leur avis sur les

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