Theones build server official staff guide v1 0
TheOnes Build Server O ?cial Sta ? Guide v Page CA Foreword It should be noted before reading anything within the guide that sta ?ng is not something you can just do by the book and only the book of the time This guide will outline the do ? s and the don ? ts as well as give a few helpful pointers however it will not directly teach you how to operate upon a server Every sta ?ng style is unique and as such it is your choice of how you choose to sta ? this guide only covers what you need to know and what may help Contents Contents Basics to being a Sta ? Member Congratulations Main Commands Your Duties The Compulsory The Optional Teamspeak IRC Forum threads that are Relevant to you A few notes from higher- ups A ?nal note Page CBasics to being a Sta ? Member Congratulations So you managed to become an operator or have been an operator for some time Either way Congratulations You made it into the big-league on build sadly however there is more to it than banter and crucifying other users Even sta ? members have restrictions and codes of conduct and sta ? members who choose to go rogue or inactive will generally ?nd themselves on the curvy side of a noose sometime soon Main Commands Whois ?? Shows the IP address blocks changed rank logins kicks and other information of a user Example Whois Player Whoip ?? Shows all users who connected using that IP Example WhoIP Tempban ?? temporarily bans a user for a maximum of hour Example Tempban player About ?? Shows all changes to a block type and then place a block delete a block good for ?nding griefers Example About followed by placing clicking a block Ban ?? Relatively Straight Forward Adds the users name to a banned list Example ban player Banip ?? Adds the users ip to the bannedip txt ?le Example BanIP Kick ?? Kicks the user from the game A Custom Message can be added to show upon kick Example Kick Player Stop swearing please Unban ?? Removes the users username from the ban list Example Unban Player Unbanip ?? Removes the users ip from the banlist Example Unbanip Restore ?? Restores a map back to speci ?ed backup number Example Restore GuestBuild Load ?? Loads a map up making it so users can go to said map The Map will take up memory Example Load GuestBuild Unload ?? Unloads a map making it so users cannot go to said map No longer uses memory Example Unload Guest Build Lowlag ?? Turns on lowlag mode This should be used before any large cuboids copies Promote ?? Promotes a user to the next rank only use this to promote guests to builder Example Promote Player Jail ?? Puts a user into jail or sets a jail point Jailed users cannot edit blocks or user commands Example Jail to set
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- Publié le Dec 06, 2022
- Catégorie Politics / Politiq...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 43.4kB