Admin Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie ISSN - ?? Vol No ?? ? ?? Pages ?? Integrating Spirituality into Counselling and Psychotherapy Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives Intégration de

Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie ISSN - ?? Vol No ?? ? ?? Pages ?? Integrating Spirituality into Counselling and Psychotherapy Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives Intégration de la spiritualité dans les perspectives théoriques et cliniques du counseling et de la psychothérapie Carla Daniels Marilyn Fitzpatrick McGill University abstract In recent decades spirituality has become a prominent focus of psychological inquiry As research begins to elucidate the role of spiritual beliefs and behaviours in mental health and the in uences of spirituality in psychotherapy developing therapist competency in this domain has increased in importance This article will ?rst situate spirituality as an interdependent facet of culture and then expand the tripartite model of multicultural competency ??attitudes knowledge and skills ??to consider the theoretical empirical and practical foundation that supports existing spiritual competencies and work with clients ? spirituality The applicability of spirituality within mainstream theories is reviewed and highlighted with a clinical case résumé Au cours des récentes décennies la spiritualité est devenue un important sujet d ? étude en psychologie Tandis que la recherche commence à élucider le rôle des croyances et comportements spirituels en santé mentale et les in uences de la spiritualité en psychothérapie on assiste à un accroissement du développement des compétences du thérapeute en ce domaine Dans cet article on situe d ? abord la spiritualité comme étant une facette interdépendante de la culture puis on étend le modèle tripartite de compétence multiculturelle ??attitudes connaissances et habiletés ??dans le but d ? examiner le fondement théorique empirique et pratique qui soutient les compétences spirituelles existantes et pour permettre de travailler avec la spiritualité du client On passe aussi en revue les possibilités d ? application de la spiritualité aux grandes théories courantes et l ? on illustre le tout au moyen d ? un cas clinique Exploring cultural diversity is both a resource and a challenge in clinical practice Fukuyama Sevig while it has rich therapeutic potential it requires focused personal and professional development by clinicians Cultural diversity includes the individual ? s complete social identity comprising age sexual orientation disability socioeconomic status race ethnicity and religious and spiritual orientation Loden Although the cultural considerations for therapy have traditionally been discussed in terms of race ethnicity or gender Fukuyama Sevig mental health professionals are increasingly being called to work holistically with all of the elements of a client ? s cultural identity American Psy- C Carla Daniels Marilyn Fitzpatrick chological Association APA This movement has been underlined by the APA de ?nition of evidence-based practice in psychology that includes culture APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice APAP and the more recent CPA initiative to develop a similar de ?nition Canadian Psychological Association CPA The spiritual competencies identi ?ed by the Association for Spiritual Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling ASERVIC a division of the American Counseling Association ACA ASERVIC n d point us in the direction of competently integrating spirituality into counselling However much work remains to

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  • Publié le Apv 23, 2021
  • Catégorie Religion
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 161kB